Rig Veda Book 2 Hymn 20 वयं ते वय इन्द्र विद्धि षु णः पर भरामहे वाजयुर्न रथम | विपन्यवो दीध्यतो मनीषा सुम्नमियक्षन्तस्त्वावतो नॄन || तवं न इन्द्र तवाभिरूती तवायतो अभिष्टिपासि जनान | तवमिनो दाशुषो वरूतेत्थाधीरभि यो नक्षति तवा || स नो युवेन्द्रो जोहूत्रः सखा शिवो नरामस्तु पाता | यः शंसन्तं यः शशमानमूती पचन्तं च सतुवन्तंच परणेषत || तमु सतुष इन्द्रं तं गर्णीषे यस्मिन पुरा वाव्र्धुः शाशदुश्च | स वस्वः कामं पीपरदियानो बरह्मण्यतो नूतनस्यायोः || सो अङगिरसामुचथा जुजुष्वान बरह्मा तूतोदिन्द्रो गातुमिष्णन | मुष्णन्नुषसः सूर्येण सतवानश्नस्य चिच्छिश्नथत पूर्व्याणि || स ह शरुत इन्द्रो नाम देव ऊर्ध्वो भुवन मनुषे दस्मतमः | अव परियमर्शसानस्य साह्वाञ्छिरो भरद दासस्य सवधावान || स वर्त्रहेन्द्रः कर्ष्णयोनीः पुरन्दरो दासीरैरयद वि | अजनयन मनवे कषामपश्च सत्रा शंसं यजमानस्य तूतोत || तस्मै तवस्यमनु दायि सत्रेन्द्राय देवेभिरर्णसातौ | परति यदस्य वज्रं बाह्वोर्धुर्हत्वी दस्यून पुर आयसीर्नि तारीत || नूनं सा … ||
vayaṃ te vaya indra viddhi ṣu ṇaḥ pra bharāmahe vājayurna ratham | vipanyavo dīdhyato manīṣā sumnamiyakṣantastvāvato nṝn || tvaṃ na indra tvābhirūtī tvāyato abhiṣṭipāsi janān | tvamino dāśuṣo varūtetthādhīrabhi yo nakṣati tvā || sa no yuvendro johūtraḥ sakhā śivo narāmastu pātā | yaḥ śaṃsantaṃ yaḥ śaśamānamūtī pacantaṃ ca stuvantaṃca praṇeṣat || tamu stuṣa indraṃ taṃ ghṛṇīṣe yasmin purā vāvṛdhuḥ śāśaduśca | sa vasvaḥ kāmaṃ pīparadiyāno brahmaṇyato nūtanasyāyoḥ || so aṅghirasāmucathā jujuṣvān brahmā tūtodindro ghātumiṣṇan | muṣṇannuṣasaḥ sūryeṇa stavānaśnasya cicchiśnathat pūrvyāṇi || sa ha śruta indro nāma deva ūrdhvo bhuvan manuṣe dasmatamaḥ | ava priyamarśasānasya sāhvāñchiro bharad dāsasya svadhāvān || sa vṛtrahendraḥ kṛṣṇayonīḥ purandaro dāsīrairayad vi | ajanayan manave kṣāmapaśca satrā śaṃsaṃ yajamānasya tūtot || tasmai tavasyamanu dāyi satrendrāya devebhirarṇasātau | prati yadasya vajraṃ bāhvordhurhatvī dasyūn pura āyasīrni tārīt || nūnaṃ sā … ||
Rig Veda
- As one brings forth his car when fain for combat, so bring we power to thee—regard us, Indra— Well skilled in song, thoughtful in spirit, seeking great bliss from one like thee amid the Heroes. 2 Indra, thou art our own with thy protection, a guardian near to men who love thee truly, Active art thou, the liberal man’s defender, his who draws near to thee with right devotion. 3 May Indra, called with solemn invocations. the young, the Friend, be men’s auspicious keeper, One who will further with his aid the singer, the toiler, praiser, dresser of oblations. 4 With laud and song let me extol that Indra in whom of old men prospered and were mighty. May he, implored, fulfil the prayer for plenty of him who worships, of the living mortal. 5 He, Indra whom the Aṅgirases’ praise delighted, strengthened their prayer and made their goings prosper. Stealing away the mornings with the sunlight, he, lauded, crushed even Aśna’s ancient powers. 6 He verily, the God, the glorious Indra, hath raised him up for man, best Wonder-Worker. He, self-reliant, mighty and triumphant, brought low the dear head of the wicked Dāsa. 7 Indra the Vṛtra-slayer, Fort-destroyer, scattered the Dāsa hosts who dwelt in darkness. For men hath he created earth and waters, and ever helped the prayer of him who worships. 8 To him in might the Gods have ever yielded, to Indra in the tumult of the battle. When in his arms they laid the bolt, he slaughtered the Dasyus and cast down their forts of iron. 9 Now may that wealthy Cow of thine, O Indra, give in return a boon to him who lauds thee. Give to thy praisers: let not fortune fail us. Loud may we speak, with heroes, in assembly.