Rig Veda Book 1 Hymn 150 पुरु तव दाश्वान वोचे.अरिरग्ने तव सविदा | तोदस्येव शरण आ महस्य || वयनिनस्य धनिनः परहोषे चिदररुषः | कदा चन परजिगतो अदेवयोः || स चन्द्रो विप्र मर्त्यो महो वराधन्तमो दिवि | पर-परेत ते अग्ने वनुषः सयाम ||
puru tva dāśvān voce.ariraghne tava svidā | todasyeva śaraṇa ā mahasya || vyaninasya dhaninaḥ prahoṣe cidararuṣaḥ | kadā cana prajighato adevayoḥ || sa candro vipra martyo maho vrādhantamo divi | pra-pret te aghne vanuṣaḥ syāma ||
Rig Veda
- AGNI, thy faithful servant I call upon thee with many a gift, As in the keeping of the great inciting God; 2 Thou who ne’er movest thee to aid the indolent, the godless man, Him who though wealthy never brings an offering. 3 Splendid, O Singer, is that man, mightiest of the great in heaven. Agni, may we be foremost, we thy worshippers.