
Rig Veda Book 1 Hymn 149 महः स राय एषते पतिर्दन्निन इनस्य वसुनः पद आ | उप धरजन्तमद्रयो विधन्नित || स यो वर्षा नरां न रोदस्योः शरवोभिरस्ति जीवपीतसर्गः | पर यः सस्राणः शिश्रीत योनौ || आ यः पुरं नार्मिणीमदीदेदत्यः कविर्नभन्यो नार्व | सूरो न रुरुक्वाञ्छतात्मा || अभि दविजन्मा तरी रोचनानि विश्व रजांसि शुशुचनो अस्थात | होता यजिष्ठो अपां सधस्थे || अयं स होत यो दविजन्मा विश्वा दधे वार्याणि शरवस्या | मर्तो यो अस्मै सुतुको ददाश ||

mahaḥ sa rāya eṣate patirdannina inasya vasunaḥ pada ā | upa dhrajantamadrayo vidhannit || sa yo vṛṣā narāṃ na rodasyoḥ śravobhirasti jīvapītasarghaḥ | pra yaḥ sasrāṇaḥ śiśrīta yonau || ā yaḥ puraṃ nārmiṇīmadīdedatyaḥ kavirnabhanyo nārva | sūro na rurukvāñchatātmā || abhi dvijanmā trī rocanāni viśva rajāṃsi śuśucano asthāt | hotā yajiṣṭho apāṃ sadhasthe || ayaṃ sa hota yo dvijanmā viśvā dadhe vāryāṇi śravasyā | marto yo asmai sutuko dadāśa ||


Rig Veda

  1. HITHER he hastens to give, Lord of great riches, King of the mighty, to the place of treasure. The pressing-stones shall serve him speeding near us. 2 As Steer of men so Steer of earth and heaven by glory, he whose streams all life hath drunken, Who hasting forward rests upon the altar. 3 He who hath lighted up the joyous castle, wise Courser like the Steed of cloudy heaven, Bright like the Sun, with hundredfold existence. 4 He, doubly born, hath spread in his effulgence through the three luminous realms, through all the regions, Best sacrificing Priest where waters gather. 5 Priest doubly born, he through his love of glory hath in his keeping all things worth the choosing, The man who brings him gifts hath noble offspring.