
Rig Veda Book 1 Hymn 148 मथीद यदीं विष्टो मातरिश्वा होतारं विश्वाप्सुं विश्वदेव्यम | नि यं दधुर्मनुष्यासु विक्षु सवर्ण चित्रं वपुषे विभावम || ददानमिन न ददभन्त मन्माग्निर्वरूथं मम तस्य चाकन | जुषन्त विश्वन्यस्य कर्मोपस्तुतिं भरमाणस्य कारोः || नित्ये चिन नु यं सदने जग्र्भ्रे परशस्तिभिर्दधिरे यज्ञियसः | पर सू नयन्त गर्भयन्त इष्टावश्वासो न रथ्योररहणाः || पुरूणि दस्मो नि रिणाति जम्भैराद रोचते वन आ विभावा | आदस्य वातो अनु वाति शोचिरस्तुर्न शर्यामसनामनु दयून || न यं रिपवो न रिषण्यवो गर्भे सन्तं रेषणा रेषयन्ति | अन्धा अपश्या न दभन्नभिख्या नित्यास ईं परेतारो अरक्षन ||

mathīd yadīṃ viṣṭo mātariśvā hotāraṃ viśvāpsuṃ viśvadevyam | ni yaṃ dadhurmanuṣyāsu vikṣu svarṇa citraṃ vapuṣe vibhāvam || dadānamin na dadabhanta manmāghnirvarūthaṃ mama tasya cākan | juṣanta viśvanyasya karmopastutiṃ bharamāṇasya kāroḥ || nitye cin nu yaṃ sadane jaghṛbhre praśastibhirdadhire yajñiyasaḥ | pra sū nayanta ghṛbhayanta iṣṭāvaśvāso na rathyorarahaṇāḥ || purūṇi dasmo ni riṇāti jambhairād rocate vana ā vibhāvā | ādasya vāto anu vāti śocirasturna śaryāmasanāmanu dyūn || na yaṃ ripavo na riṣaṇyavo gharbhe santaṃ reṣaṇā reṣayanti | andhā apaśyā na dabhannabhikhyā nityāsa īṃ pretāro arakṣan ||


Rig Veda

  1. WHAT Mātariśvan, piercing, formed by friction, Herald of all the Gods. in varied figure, Is he whom they have set mid human houses, gay-hued as light and shining forth for beauty. 2 They shall not harm the man who brings thee praises: such as I am, Agni my help approves me. All acts of mine shall they accept with pleasure, laudation from the singer who presents it. 3 Him in his constant seat men skilled in worship have taken and with praises have established. As, harnessed to a chariot fleet-foot horses, at his command let bearers lead him forward. 4 Wondrous, full many a thing he chews and crunches: he shines amid the wood with spreading brightness. Upon his glowing flames the wind blows daily, driving them like the keen shaft of an archer. 5 Him, whom while yet in embryo the hostile, both skilled and fain to harm, may never injure, Men blind and sightless through his splendour hurt not: his never-failing lovers have preserved him.