
Rig Veda Book 1 Hymn 147 कथा ते अग्ने शुचयन्त आयोर्ददाशुर्वाजेभिराशुषाणाः | उभे यत तोके तनये दधाना रतस्य सामन रणयन्तदेवाः || बोधा मे अस्य वचसो यविष्ठ मंहिष्ठस्य परभ्र्तस्य सवधावः | पीयति तवो अनु तवो गर्णाति वन्दारुस्ते तन्वं वन्देग्ने || ये पायवो मामतेयं ते अग्ने पश्यन्तो अन्धं दुरितादरक्षन | ररक्ष तान सुक्र्तो विश्ववेदा दिप्सन्त इद रिपवो नाह देभुः || यो नो अग्ने अररिवानघायुररातीवा मर्चयति दवयेन | मन्त्रो गुरुः पुनरस्तु सो अस्मा अनु मर्क्षीष्ट तन्वं दुरुक्तैः || उत वा यः सहस्य परविद्वान मर्तो मर्तं मर्चयति दवयेन | अतः पाहि सतवमान सतुवन्तमग्ने माकिर्नो दुरिताय धायीः ||

kathā te aghne śucayanta āyordadāśurvājebhirāśuṣāṇāḥ | ubhe yat toke tanaye dadhānā ṛtasya sāman raṇayantadevāḥ || bodhā me asya vacaso yaviṣṭha maṃhiṣṭhasya prabhṛtasya svadhāvaḥ | pīyati tvo anu tvo ghṛṇāti vandāruste tanvaṃ vandeaghne || ye pāyavo māmateyaṃ te aghne paśyanto andhaṃ duritādarakṣan | rarakṣa tān sukṛto viśvavedā dipsanta id ripavo nāha debhuḥ || yo no aghne ararivānaghāyurarātīvā marcayati dvayena | mantro ghuruḥ punarastu so asmā anu mṛkṣīṣṭa tanvaṃ duruktaiḥ || uta vā yaḥ sahasya pravidvān marto martaṃ marcayati dvayena | ataḥ pāhi stavamāna stuvantamaghne mākirno duritāya dhāyīḥ ||


Rig Veda

  1. How, Agni, have the radiant ones, aspiring, endued thee with the vigour of the living, So that on both sides fostering seed and offspring, the Gods may joy in Holy Law’s fulfilment? 2 Mark this my speech, Divine One, thou, Most Youthful! offered to thee by him who gives most freely. One hates thee, and another sings thy praises: I thine adorer laud thy form, O Agni. 3 Thy guardian rays, O Agni, when they saw him, preserved blind Māmateya from affliction. Lord of all riches, he preserved the pious the foes who fain would harm them did no mischief. 4 The sinful man who worships not, O Agni, who, offering not, harms us with double-dealing,— Be this in turn to him a heavy sentence: may he distress himself by his revilings. 5 Yea, when a mortal knowingly, O Victor, injures with double tongue a fellow-mortal, From him, praised Agni! save thou him that lauds thee: bring us not into trouble and affliction.