Rig Veda Book 1 Hymn 147 कथा ते अग्ने शुचयन्त आयोर्ददाशुर्वाजेभिराशुषाणाः | उभे यत तोके तनये दधाना रतस्य सामन रणयन्तदेवाः || बोधा मे अस्य वचसो यविष्ठ मंहिष्ठस्य परभ्र्तस्य सवधावः | पीयति तवो अनु तवो गर्णाति वन्दारुस्ते तन्वं वन्देग्ने || ये पायवो मामतेयं ते अग्ने पश्यन्तो अन्धं दुरितादरक्षन | ररक्ष तान सुक्र्तो विश्ववेदा दिप्सन्त इद रिपवो नाह देभुः || यो नो अग्ने अररिवानघायुररातीवा मर्चयति दवयेन | मन्त्रो गुरुः पुनरस्तु सो अस्मा अनु मर्क्षीष्ट तन्वं दुरुक्तैः || उत वा यः सहस्य परविद्वान मर्तो मर्तं मर्चयति दवयेन | अतः पाहि सतवमान सतुवन्तमग्ने माकिर्नो दुरिताय धायीः ||
kathā te aghne śucayanta āyordadāśurvājebhirāśuṣāṇāḥ | ubhe yat toke tanaye dadhānā ṛtasya sāman raṇayantadevāḥ || bodhā me asya vacaso yaviṣṭha maṃhiṣṭhasya prabhṛtasya svadhāvaḥ | pīyati tvo anu tvo ghṛṇāti vandāruste tanvaṃ vandeaghne || ye pāyavo māmateyaṃ te aghne paśyanto andhaṃ duritādarakṣan | rarakṣa tān sukṛto viśvavedā dipsanta id ripavo nāha debhuḥ || yo no aghne ararivānaghāyurarātīvā marcayati dvayena | mantro ghuruḥ punarastu so asmā anu mṛkṣīṣṭa tanvaṃ duruktaiḥ || uta vā yaḥ sahasya pravidvān marto martaṃ marcayati dvayena | ataḥ pāhi stavamāna stuvantamaghne mākirno duritāya dhāyīḥ ||
Rig Veda
- How, Agni, have the radiant ones, aspiring, endued thee with the vigour of the living, So that on both sides fostering seed and offspring, the Gods may joy in Holy Law’s fulfilment? 2 Mark this my speech, Divine One, thou, Most Youthful! offered to thee by him who gives most freely. One hates thee, and another sings thy praises: I thine adorer laud thy form, O Agni. 3 Thy guardian rays, O Agni, when they saw him, preserved blind Māmateya from affliction. Lord of all riches, he preserved the pious the foes who fain would harm them did no mischief. 4 The sinful man who worships not, O Agni, who, offering not, harms us with double-dealing,— Be this in turn to him a heavy sentence: may he distress himself by his revilings. 5 Yea, when a mortal knowingly, O Victor, injures with double tongue a fellow-mortal, From him, praised Agni! save thou him that lauds thee: bring us not into trouble and affliction.