
Rig Veda Book 1 Hymn 143 पर तव्यसीं नव्यसीं धीतिमग्नये वाचो मतिं सहसःसूनवे भरे | अपां नपाद यो वसुभिः सह परियो होता पर्थिव्यां नयसीदद रत्वियः || स जायमानः परमे वयोमन्याविरग्निरभवन मातरिश्वने | अस्य करत्वा समिधानस्य मज्मना पर दयावा शोचिः पर्थिवी अरोचयत || अस्य तवेषा अजरा अस्य भानवः सुसन्द्र्शः सुप्रतीकस्यसुद्युतः | भात्वक्षसो अत्यक्तुर्न सिन्धवो.अग्ने रेजन्ते अससन्तो अजराः || यमेरिरे भर्गवो विश्ववेदसं नाभा पर्थिव्या भुवनस्य मज्मना | अग्निं तं गीर्भिर्हिनुहि सव आ दमे य एको वस्वो वरुणो न राजति || न यो वराय मरुतामिव सवनः सेनेव सर्ष्टा दिव्या यथाशनिः | अग्निर्जम्भैस्तिगितैरत्ति भर्वति योधो न शत्रून स वना नय रञ्जते || कुविन नो अग्निरुचथस्य वीरसद वसुष कुविद वसुभिः काममावरत | चोदः कुवित तुतुज्यात सातये धियः शुचिप्रतीकं तमया धिया गर्णे || घर्तप्रतीकं व रतस्य धूर्षदमग्निं मित्रं न समिधान रञ्जते | इन्धानो अक्रो विदथेषु दीद्यच्छुक्रवर्णामुदु नो यंसते धियम || अप्रयुछन्नप्रयुछद्भिरग्ने शिवेभिर्नः पायुभिः पाहि शग्मैः | अदब्धेभिरद्र्पितेभिरिष्टे.अनिमिषद्भिः परि पाहि नो जाः ||

pra tavyasīṃ navyasīṃ dhītimaghnaye vāco matiṃ sahasaḥsūnave bhare | apāṃ napād yo vasubhiḥ saha priyo hotā pṛthivyāṃ nyasīdad ṛtviyaḥ || sa jāyamānaḥ parame vyomanyāviraghnirabhavan mātariśvane | asya kratvā samidhānasya majmanā pra dyāvā śociḥ pṛthivī arocayat || asya tveṣā ajarā asya bhānavaḥ susandṛśaḥ supratīkasyasudyutaḥ | bhātvakṣaso atyakturna sindhavo.aghne rejante asasanto ajarāḥ || yamerire bhṛghavo viśvavedasaṃ nābhā pṛthivyā bhuvanasya majmanā | aghniṃ taṃ ghīrbhirhinuhi sva ā dame ya eko vasvo varuṇo na rājati || na yo varāya marutāmiva svanaḥ seneva sṛṣṭā divyā yathāśaniḥ | aghnirjambhaistighitairatti bharvati yodho na śatrūn sa vanā ny ṛñjate || kuvin no aghnirucathasya vīrasad vasuṣ kuvid vasubhiḥ kāmamāvarat | codaḥ kuvit tutujyāt sātaye dhiyaḥ śucipratīkaṃ tamayā dhiyā ghṛṇe || ghṛtapratīkaṃ va ṛtasya dhūrṣadamaghniṃ mitraṃ na samidhāna ṛñjate | indhāno akro vidatheṣu dīdyacchukravarṇāmudu no yaṃsate dhiyam || aprayuchannaprayuchadbhiraghne śivebhirnaḥ pāyubhiḥ pāhi śaghmaiḥ | adabdhebhiradṛpitebhiriṣṭe.animiṣadbhiḥ pari pāhi no jāḥ ||


Rig Veda

  1. To Agni I present a newer mightier hymn, I bring my words and song unto the Son of Strength, Who, Offspring of the Waters, bearing precious things sits on the earth, in season, dear Invoking Priest. 2 Soon as he sprang to birth that Agni was shown forth to Mātariśvan in the highest firmament. When he was kindled, through his power and majesty his fiery splendour made the heavens and earth to shine. 3 His flames that wax not old, beams fair to look upon of him whose face is lovely, shine with beauteous sheen. The rays of Agni, him whose active force is light, through the nights glimmer sleepless, ageless, like the floods. 4 Send thou with hymns that Agni to his own abode, who rules, one Sovran Lord of wealth, like Varuṇa, Him, All-possessor, whom the Bhṛgus with their might brought to earth’s central point, the centre of the world. 5 He whom no force can stay, even as the Maruts’ roar, like to a dart sent forth, even as the bolt from heaven, Agni with sharpened jaws chews up and eats the trees, and conquers them as when the warrior smites his foes. 6 And will not Agni find enjoyment in our praise, will not the Vasu grant our wish with gifts of wealth? Will not the Inspirer speed our prayers to gain their end? Him with the radiant glance I laud with this my song. 7 The kindler of the flame wins Agni as a Friend, promoter of the Law, whose face is bright with oil. Inflamed and keen, refulgent in our gatherings, he lifts our hymn on high clad in his radiant hues. 8 Keep us incessantly with guards that cease not, Agni, with guards auspicious, very mighty. With guards that never slumber, never heedless, never beguiled. O Helper, keep our children.