
Rig Veda Book 1 Hymn 138 पर-पर पूष्णस तुविजातस्य शस्यते महित्वम अस्य तवसो न तन्दते सतोत्रम अस्य न तन्दते | अर्चामि सुम्नयन्न अहम अन्त्यूतिम मयोभुवम | विश्वस्य यो मन आयुयुवे मखो देव आयुयुवे मखः || पर हि तवा पूषन्न अजिरं न यामनि सतोमेभिः कर्ण्व रणवो यथा मर्ध उष्ट्रो न पीपरो मर्धः | हुवे यत तवा मयोभुवं देवं सख्याय मर्त्यः | अस्माकम आङगूषान दयुम्निनस कर्धि वाजेषु दयुम्निनस कर्धि || यस्य ते पूषन सख्ये विपन्यवः करत्वा चित सन्तो ऽवसा बुभुज्रिर इति करत्वा बुभुज्रिरे | ताम अनु तवा नवीयसीं नियुतं राय ईमहे | अहेळमान उरुशंस सरी भव वाजे-वाजे सरी भव || अस्या ऊ षु ण उप सातये भुवो ऽहेळमानो ररिवां अजाश्व शरवस्यताम अजाश्व | ओ षु तवा वव्र्तीमहि सतोमेभिर दस्म साधुभिः | नहि तवा पूषन्न अतिमन्य आघ्र्णे न ते सख्यम अपह्नुवे ||

pra-pra pūṣṇas tuvijātasya śasyate mahitvam asya tavaso na tandate stotram asya na tandate | arcāmi sumnayann aham antyūtim mayobhuvam | viśvasya yo mana āyuyuve makho deva āyuyuve makhaḥ || pra hi tvā pūṣann ajiraṃ na yāmani stomebhiḥ kṛṇva ṛṇavo yathā mṛdha uṣṭro na pīparo mṛdhaḥ | huve yat tvā mayobhuvaṃ devaṃ sakhyāya martyaḥ | asmākam āṅghūṣān dyumninas kṛdhi vājeṣu dyumninas kṛdhi || yasya te pūṣan sakhye vipanyavaḥ kratvā cit santo ‘vasā bubhujrira iti kratvā bubhujrire | tām anu tvā navīyasīṃ niyutaṃ rāya īmahe | aheḷamāna uruśaṃsa sarī bhava vāje-vāje sarī bhava || asyā ū ṣu ṇa upa sātaye bhuvo ‘heḷamāno rarivāṃ ajāśva śravasyatām ajāśva | o ṣu tvā vavṛtīmahi stomebhir dasma sādhubhiḥ | nahi tvā pūṣann atimanya āghṛṇe na te sakhyam apahnuve ||


Rig Veda

  1. STRONG Pūṣan’s majesty is lauded evermore, the glory of his lordly might is never faint, his song of praise is never faint. Seeking felicity I laud him nigh to help, the source, of bliss, Who, Vigorous one, hath drawn to him the hearts of all, drawn them, the Vigorous One, the God. 2 Thee, then, O Pūṣan, like a swift one on his way, I urge with lauds that thou mayst make the foemen flee, drive, camel-like, our foes afar. As I, a man, call thee, a God, giver of bliss, to be my Friend, So make our loudly-chanted praises glorious, in battles make them glorious. 3 Thou, Pūṣan, in whose friendship they who sing forth praise enjoy advantage, even in wisdom, through thy grace, in wisdom even they are advanced. So, after this most recent course, we come to thee with prayers for wealth. Not stirred to anger, O Wide-Ruler, come to us, come thou to us in every fight. 4 Not stirred to anger, come, Free-giver, nigh to us, to take this gift of ours, thou who hast goats for steeds, Goat-borne! their gift who long for fame. So, Wonder-Worker! may we turn thee hither with effectual lauds. I slight thee not, O Pūṣan, thou Resplendent One: thy friendship may not be despised.