Rig Veda Book 1 Hymn 137 सुषुमा यातमद्रिभिर्गोश्रीता मत्सरा इमे सोमासो मत्सरा इमे | आ राजाना दिविस्प्र्शास्मत्रा गन्तमुप नः | इमे वां मित्रावरुणा गवाशिरः सोमाः शुक्रा गवाशिरः || इम आ यातम इन्दवः सोमासो दध्याशिरः सुतासो दध्याशिरः | उत वाम उषसो बुधि साकं सूर्यस्य रश्मिभिः | सुतो मित्राय वरुणाय पीतये चारुर रताय पीतये || तां वां धेनुं न वासरीम अंशुं दुहन्त्य अद्रिभिः सोमं दुहन्त्य अद्रिभिः | अस्मत्रा गन्तम उप नो ऽरवाञ्चा सोमपीतये | अयं वाम मित्रावरुणा नर्भिः सुतः सोम आ पीतये सुतः ||
suṣumā yātamadribhirghośrītā matsarā ime somāso matsarā ime | ā rājānā divispṛśāsmatrā ghantamupa naḥ | ime vāṃ mitrāvaruṇā ghavāśiraḥ somāḥ śukrā ghavāśiraḥ || ima ā yātam indavaḥ somāso dadhyāśiraḥ sutāso dadhyāśiraḥ | uta vām uṣaso budhi sākaṃ sūryasya raśmibhiḥ | suto mitrāya varuṇāya pītaye cārur ṛtāya pītaye || tāṃ vāṃ dhenuṃ na vāsarīm aṃśuṃ duhanty adribhiḥ somaṃ duhanty adribhiḥ | asmatrā ghantam upa no ‘rvāñcā somapītaye | ayaṃ vām mitrāvaruṇā nṛbhiḥ sutaḥ soma ā pītaye sutaḥ ||
Rig Veda
- WITH stones have we pressed out: O come; these gladdening drops are blent with milk, these Soma-drops which gladden you. Come to us, Kings who reach to heaven, approach us, coming hitherward. These milky drops are yours, Mitra and Varuṇa, bright Soma juices blent with milk. 2 Here are the droppings; come ye nigh the Soma-droppings blent with curd, juices expressed and blent with curd. Now for the wakening of your Dawn together with the Sun-God’s rays, juice waits for Mitra and for Varuṇa to drink, fair juice for drink, for sacrifice. 3 As ’twere a radiant-coloured cow, they milk with stones the stalk for you, with stones they milk the Soma-plant. May ye come nigh us, may ye turn hither to drink the Soma juice. The men pressed out this juice, Mitra and Varuṇa, pressed out this Soma for your drink.