Rig Veda Book 1 Hymn 136 पर सु जयेष्ठं निचिराभ्यां बर्हन नमो हव्यं मतिं भरता मर्ळयद्भ्यां सवादिष्ठं मर्ळयद्भ्याम | ता सम्राजाघ्र्तासुती यज्ञे-यज्ञ उपस्तुता | अथैनोः कषत्रं न कुतश्चनाध्र्षे देवत्वं नू चिदाध्र्षे || अद्रशि गातुरुरवे वरीयसी पन्था रतस्य समयंस्त रश्मिभिश्चक्षुर्भगस्य रश्मिभिः | दयुक्षं मित्रस्य सादनमर्यम्णो वरुणस्य च | अथा दधाते बर्हदुक्त्य्हं वयौपस्तुत्यं बर्हद वयः || जयोतिष्मतीमदितिं धारयत्क्षितिं सवर्वतीमा सचेते दिवे-दिवे जाग्र्वांसा दिवे-दिवे | जयोतिष्मत कषत्रमाशाते आदित्या दानुनस पती | मित्रस्तयोर्वरुणो यातयज्जनो.अर्यमा यातयज्जनः || अयं मित्राय वरुणाय शन्तमः सोमो भूत्ववपानेष्वाभगो देवो देवेष्वाभगः | तं देवासो जुषेरत विश्वे अद्य सजोषसः | तथा राजाना करथो यदिमह रतावाना यदीमहे || यो मित्राय वरुणायाविधज्जनो.अनर्वाणं तं परि पातोंहसो दाश्वांसं मर्तमंहसः | तमर्यमाभि रक्षत्य रजूयन्तमनु वरतम | उक्थैर्य एनोः परिभूषति वरतं सतोमैराभूषति वरतम || नमो दिवे बर्हते रोदसीभ्यां मित्राय वोचं वरुणाय मीळ्हुषे सुम्र्ळीकाय मीळ्हुषे | इन्द्रमग्निमुप सतुहि दयुक्षमर्यमणं भगम | जयोग जीवन्तः परजया सचेमहि सोमस्योती सचेमहि || ऊती देवानां वयमिन्द्रवन्तो मंसीमहि सवयशसो मरुद्भिः | अग्निर्मित्रो वरुणः शर्म यंसन तदश्याम मघवानो वयं च ||
pra su jyeṣṭhaṃ nicirābhyāṃ bṛhan namo havyaṃ matiṃ bharatā mṛḷayadbhyāṃ svādiṣṭhaṃ mṛḷayadbhyām | tā samrājāghṛtāsutī yajñe-yajña upastutā | athainoḥ kṣatraṃ na kutaścanādhṛṣe devatvaṃ nū cidādhṛṣe || adraśi ghātururave varīyasī panthā ṛtasya samayaṃsta raśmibhiścakṣurbhaghasya raśmibhiḥ | dyukṣaṃ mitrasya sādanamaryamṇo varuṇasya ca | athā dadhāte bṛhaduktyhaṃ vayaupastutyaṃ bṛhad vayaḥ || jyotiṣmatīmaditiṃ dhārayatkṣitiṃ svarvatīmā sacete dive-dive jāghṛvāṃsā dive-dive | jyotiṣmat kṣatramāśāte ādityā dānunas patī | mitrastayorvaruṇo yātayajjano.aryamā yātayajjanaḥ || ayaṃ mitrāya varuṇāya śantamaḥ somo bhūtvavapāneṣvābhagho devo deveṣvābhaghaḥ | taṃ devāso juṣerata viśve adya sajoṣasaḥ | tathā rājānā karatho yadimaha ṛtāvānā yadīmahe || yo mitrāya varuṇāyāvidhajjano.anarvāṇaṃ taṃ pari pātoaṃhaso dāśvāṃsaṃ martamaṃhasaḥ | tamaryamābhi rakṣaty ṛjūyantamanu vratam | ukthairya enoḥ paribhūṣati vrataṃ stomairābhūṣati vratam || namo dive bṛhate rodasībhyāṃ mitrāya vocaṃ varuṇāya mīḷhuṣe sumṛḷīkāya mīḷhuṣe | indramaghnimupa stuhi dyukṣamaryamaṇaṃ bhagham | jyogh jīvantaḥ prajayā sacemahi somasyotī sacemahi || ūtī devānāṃ vayamindravanto maṃsīmahi svayaśaso marudbhiḥ | aghnirmitro varuṇaḥ śarma yaṃsan tadaśyāma maghavāno vayaṃ ca ||
Rig Veda
- BRING adoration ample and most excellent, hymn, offerings, to the watchful Twain, the bountiful, your sweetest to the bounteous Ones. Sovrans adored with streams of oil and praised at every sacrifice. Their high imperial might may nowhere be assailed, ne’er may their Godhead be assailed. 2 For the broad Sun was seen a path more widely laid, the path of holy law hath been maintained with rays, the eye with Bhaga’s rays of light. Firm-set in heaven is Mitra’s home, and Aryaman’s and Varuṇa’s. Thence they give forth great vital strength which merits praise, high power of life that men shall praise. 3 With Aditi the luminous, the celestial, upholder of the people, come ye day by day, ye who watch sleepless, day by day. Resplendent might have ye obtained, Ādityas, Lords of liberal gifts. Movers of men, mild both, are Mitra, Varuṇa, mover of men is Aryaman. 4 This Soma be most sweet to Mitra, Varuṇa: he in the drinking-feasts, shall have a share thereof, sharing, a God, among the Gods. May all the Gods of one accord accept it joyfully to-day. Therefore do ye, O Kings, accomplish what we ask, ye Righteous Ones, whate’er we ask. 5 Whoso, with worship serves Mitra and Varuṇa, him guard ye carefully, uninjured, from distress, guard from distress the liberal man. Aryaman guards him well who acts uprightly following his law, Who beautifies their service with his lauds, who makes it beautiful with songs of praise. 6 Worship will I profess to lofty Dyaus, to Heaven and Earth, to Mitra and to bounteous Varuṇa, the Bounteous, the Compassionate. Praise Indra, praise thou Agni, praise Bhaga and heavenly Aryaman. Long may we live and have attendant progeny, have progeny with Soma’s help. 7 With the Gods’ help, with Indra still beside us, may we be held self-splendid with the Maruts. May Agni, Mitra, Varuṇa give us shelter this may we gain, we and our wealthy princes.