
Rig Veda Book 1 Hymn 135 सतीर्णं बर्हिरुप नो याहि वीतये सहस्रेण नियुता नियुत्वते शतिनीभिर्नियुत्वते | तुभ्यं हि पूर्वपीतये देवा देवाय येमिरे | पर ते सुतासो मधुमन्तो अस्थिरन मदाय करत्वे अस्थिरन || तुभ्यायं सोमः परिपूतो अद्रिभि सपार्हा वसानः परि कोशमर्षति शुक्रा वसानो अर्षति | तवायं भाग आयुषुसोमो देवेषु हूयते | वह वायो नियुतो याह्यस्मयुर्जुषाणो याह्यस्मयुः || आ नो नियुद्भिः शतिनीभिरध्वरं सहस्रिणीभिरुप याहि वीतये वायो हव्यानि वीतये | तवायं भाग रत्वियः सरश्मिः सूर्ये सचा | अध्वर्युभिर्भरमाणा अयंसत वायो शुक्रा अयंसत || आ वां रथो नियुत्वान वक्षदवसे.अभि परयांसि सुधितानि वीतये वायो हव्यानि वीतये | पिबतं मध्वो अन्धसः पूर्वपेयं हि वां हितम | वायवा चन्द्रेण राधसा गतमिन्द्रश्च राधसा गतम || आ वां धियो वव्र्त्युरध्वरानुपेममिन्दुं मर्म्र्जन्त वाजिनमाशुमत्यं न वाजिनम | तेषां पिबतमस्मयू आ नो गन्तमिहोत्या | इन्द्रवायू सुतानामद्रिभिर्युवं मदाय वाजदा युवम || इमे वां सोमा अप्स्वा सुता इहाध्वर्युभिर्भरमाणा अयंसत वायो शुक्रा अयंसत | एते वामभ्यस्र्क्षत तिरः पवित्रमाशवः | युवायवो.अति रोमाण्यव्यया सोमासो अत्यव्यया || अति वायो ससतो याहि शश्वतो यत्र गरावा वदति तत्र गछतं गर्हमिन्द्रश्च गछतम | वि सून्र्ता दद्र्शे रीयते घर्तमा पूर्णया नियुता याथो अध्वरमिन्द्रश्च याथो अध्वरम || अत्राह तद वहेथे मध्व आहुतिं यमश्वत्थमुपतिष्ठन्त जायवो.अस्मे ते सन्तु जायवः | साकं गावः सुवते पच्यते यवो न ते वाय उप दस्यन्ति धेनवो नाप दस्यन्ति धेनवः || इमे ये ते सु वायो बाह्वोजसो.अन्तर्नदी ते पतयन्त्युक्षणो महि वराधन्त उक्षणः | धन्वञ्चिद ये अनाशवो जीराश्चिदगिरौकसः | सूर्यस्येव रश्मयो दुर्नियन्तवो हस्तयोर्दुर्नियन्तवः ||

stīrṇaṃ barhirupa no yāhi vītaye sahasreṇa niyutā niyutvate śatinībhirniyutvate | tubhyaṃ hi pūrvapītaye devā devāya yemire | pra te sutāso madhumanto asthiran madāya kratve asthiran || tubhyāyaṃ somaḥ paripūto adribhi spārhā vasānaḥ pari kośamarṣati śukrā vasāno arṣati | tavāyaṃ bhāgha āyuṣusomo deveṣu hūyate | vaha vāyo niyuto yāhyasmayurjuṣāṇo yāhyasmayuḥ || ā no niyudbhiḥ śatinībhiradhvaraṃ sahasriṇībhirupa yāhi vītaye vāyo havyāni vītaye | tavāyaṃ bhāgha ṛtviyaḥ saraśmiḥ sūrye sacā | adhvaryubhirbharamāṇā ayaṃsata vāyo śukrā ayaṃsata || ā vāṃ ratho niyutvān vakṣadavase.abhi prayāṃsi sudhitāni vītaye vāyo havyāni vītaye | pibataṃ madhvo andhasaḥ pūrvapeyaṃ hi vāṃ hitam | vāyavā candreṇa rādhasā ghatamindraśca rādhasā ghatam || ā vāṃ dhiyo vavṛtyuradhvarānupemaminduṃ marmṛjanta vājinamāśumatyaṃ na vājinam | teṣāṃ pibatamasmayū ā no ghantamihotyā | indravāyū sutānāmadribhiryuvaṃ madāya vājadā yuvam || ime vāṃ somā apsvā sutā ihādhvaryubhirbharamāṇā ayaṃsata vāyo śukrā ayaṃsata | ete vāmabhyasṛkṣata tiraḥ pavitramāśavaḥ | yuvāyavo.ati romāṇyavyayā somāso atyavyayā || ati vāyo sasato yāhi śaśvato yatra ghrāvā vadati tatra ghachataṃ ghṛhamindraśca ghachatam | vi sūnṛtā dadṛśe rīyate ghṛtamā pūrṇayā niyutā yātho adhvaramindraśca yātho adhvaram || atrāha tad vahethe madhva āhutiṃ yamaśvatthamupatiṣṭhanta jāyavo.asme te santu jāyavaḥ | sākaṃ ghāvaḥ suvate pacyate yavo na te vāya upa dasyanti dhenavo nāpa dasyanti dhenavaḥ || ime ye te su vāyo bāhvojaso.antarnadī te patayantyukṣaṇo mahi vrādhanta ukṣaṇaḥ | dhanvañcid ye anāśavo jīrāścidaghiraukasaḥ | sūryasyeva raśmayo durniyantavo hastayordurniyantavaḥ ||


Rig Veda

  1. STREWN is the sacred grass; come Vāyu, to our feast, with team of thousands, come, Lord of the harnessed team, with hundreds, Lord of harnessed steeds! The drops divine are lifted up for thee, the God, to drink them first. The juices rich in sweets have raised them for thy joy, have raised themselves to give thee strength. 2 Purified by the stones the Soma flows for thee, clothed with its lovely splendours, to the reservoir, flows clad in its refulgent light. For thee the Soma is poured forth, thy portioned share mid Gods and men. Drive thou thy horses, Vāyu, come to us with love, come well-inclined and loving us. 3 Come thou with hundreds, come with thousands in thy team to this our solemn rite, to taste the sacred food, Vāyu, to taste the offerings. This is thy seasonable share, that comes co-radiant with the Sun. Brought by attendant priests pure juice is offered up, Vāyu, pure juice is offered up. 4 The chariot with its team of horses bring you both, to guard us and to taste the well-appointed food, Vāyu, to taste the offerings! Drink of the pleasant-flavoured juice: the first draught is assigned to you. O Vāyu, with your splendid bounty come ye both, Indra, with bounty come ye both. 5 May our songs bring you hither to our solemn rites: these drops of mighty vigour have they beautified, like a swift steed of mighty strength. Drink of them well-inclined to us, come hitherward to be our help. Drink, Indra-Vāyu, of these Juices pressed with stones, Strength-givers! till they gladden you. 6 These Soma juices pressed for you in waters here, borne by attendant priests, are offered up to you: bright, Vāyu, are they offered up. Swift through the strainer have they flowed, and here are shed for both of you, Soma-drops, fain for you, over the wether’s fleece, Somas over the wether’s fleece. 7 O Vāyu, pass thou over all the slumberers, and where the press-stone rings enter ye both that house, yea, Indra, go ye both within. The joyous Maiden is beheld, the butter flows. With richly laden team come to our solemn rite, yea, Indra, come ye to the rite. 8 Ride hither to the offering of the pleasant juice, the holy Fig-tree which victorious priests surround: victorious be they still for us. At once the cows yield milk, the barley-meal is dressed. For thee, O Vāyu, never shall the cows grow thin, never for thee shall they be dry. 9 These Bulls of thine, O Vāyu with the arm of strength, who swiftly fly within the current of thy stream, the Bulls increasing in their might, Horseless, yet even through the waste swift-moving, whom no shout can stay, Hard to be checked are they, like sunbeams, in their course. hard to be checked by both the hands.