
Rig Veda Book 1 Hymn 134 आ तवा जुवो रारहाणा अभि परयो वायो वहन्त्विह पूर्वपीतये सोमस्य पूर्वपीतये | ऊर्ध्वा ते अनु सून्र्ता मनस्तिष्ठतु जानती | नियुत्वता रथेना याहि दावने वायो मखस्य दावने || मन्दन्तु तवा मन्दिनो वायविन्दवो.अस्मत कराणासः सुक्र्ता अभिद्यवो गोभिः कराणा अभिद्यवः | यद ध कराणा] इरध्यै दक्षं सचन्त ऊतयः | सध्रीचीना नियुतो दावने धिय उप बरुवत ईं धियः || वायुर्युङकते रोहिता वायुररुणा वायू रथे अजिरा धुरि वोळ्हवे वहिष्ठा धुरि वोळ्हवे | पर बोधया पुरन्धिंजार आ ससतीमिव | पर चक्षय रोदसी वासयोषसः शरवसे वासयोषसः || तुभ्यमुषासः शुचयः परावति भद्रा वस्त्रा तन्वते दंसु रश्मिषु चित्रा नव्येषु रश्मिषु | तुभ्यं धेनुः सबर्दुघा विश्वा वसूनि दोहते | अजनयो मरुतो वक्षणाभ्योदिव आ वक्षणाभ्यः || तुभ्यं शुक्रासः शुचयस्तुरण्यवो मदेषूग्रा इषणन्तभुर्वण्यपामिषन्त भुर्वणि | तवां तसारी दसमानो भगमीट्टे तक्ववीये | तवां विश्वस्माद भुवनात पासि धर्मणासुर्यात पासि धर्मण || तवं नो वायवेषामपूर्व्यः सोमानां परथमः पीतिमर्हसि सुतानां पीतिमर्हसि | उतो विहुत्मतीनां विशां ववर्जुषीणाम | विश्वा इत ते धेनवो दुह्र आशिरं घर्तं दुह्रत आशिरम ||

ā tvā juvo rārahāṇā abhi prayo vāyo vahantviha pūrvapītaye somasya pūrvapītaye | ūrdhvā te anu sūnṛtā manastiṣṭhatu jānatī | niyutvatā rathenā yāhi dāvane vāyo makhasya dāvane || mandantu tvā mandino vāyavindavo.asmat krāṇāsaḥ sukṛtā abhidyavo ghobhiḥ krāṇā abhidyavaḥ | yad dha krāṇā] iradhyai dakṣaṃ sacanta ūtayaḥ | sadhrīcīnā niyuto dāvane dhiya upa bruvata īṃ dhiyaḥ || vāyuryuṅkte rohitā vāyuraruṇā vāyū rathe ajirā dhuri voḷhave vahiṣṭhā dhuri voḷhave | pra bodhayā purandhiṃjāra ā sasatīmiva | pra cakṣaya rodasī vāsayoṣasaḥ śravase vāsayoṣasaḥ || tubhyamuṣāsaḥ śucayaḥ parāvati bhadrā vastrā tanvate daṃsu raśmiṣu citrā navyeṣu raśmiṣu | tubhyaṃ dhenuḥ sabardughā viśvā vasūni dohate | ajanayo maruto vakṣaṇābhyodiva ā vakṣaṇābhyaḥ || tubhyaṃ śukrāsaḥ śucayasturaṇyavo madeṣūghrā iṣaṇantabhurvaṇyapāmiṣanta bhurvaṇi | tvāṃ tsārī dasamāno bhaghamīṭṭe takvavīye | tvāṃ viśvasmād bhuvanāt pāsi dharmaṇāsuryāt pāsi dharmaṇa || tvaṃ no vāyaveṣāmapūrvyaḥ somānāṃ prathamaḥ pītimarhasi sutānāṃ pītimarhasi | uto vihutmatīnāṃ viśāṃ vavarjuṣīṇām | viśvā it te dhenavo duhra āśiraṃ ghṛtaṃ duhrata āśiram ||


Rig Veda

  1. VĀYU, let fleet-foot coursers bring thee speedily to this our feast, to drink first of the juice we pour, to the first draught of Soma juice. May our glad hymn, discerning well, uplifted, gratify thy mind. Come with thy team-drawn car, O Vāyu, to the gift, come to the sacrificer’s gift. 2 May the joy-giving drops, O Vāyu gladden thee, effectual, well prepared, directed to the heavens, strong, blent with milk and seeking heaven; That aids, effectual to fulfil, may wait upon our skilful power. Associate teams come hitherward to grant our prayers: they shall address the hymns we sing. 3 Two red steeds Vāyu yokes, Vāyu two purple steeds, swift-footed, to the chariot, to the pole to draw, most able, at the pole, to draw. Wake up intelligence, as when a lover wakes his sleeping love. Illumine heaven and earth, make thou the Dawns to shine, for glory make the Dawns to shine. 4 For thee the radiant Dawns in the far-distant sky broaden their lovely garments forth in wondrous beams, bright-coloured in their new-born beams. For thee the nectar-yielding Cow pours all rich treasures forth as milk. The Marut host hast thou engendered from the womb, the Maruts from the womb of heaven. 5 For thee the pure bright quickly-flowing Soma-drops, strong in their heightening power, hasten to mix themselves, hasten to the water to be mixed. To thee the weary coward prays for luck that he may speed away. Thou by thy law protectest us from every world, yea, from the world of highest Gods. 6 Thou, Vāyu, who hast none before thee, first of all hast right to drink these offerings of Soma juice, hast right to drink the juice out-poured, Yea, poured by all invoking tribes who free themselves from taint of sin, For thee all cows are milked to yield the Soma-milk, to yield the butter and the milk.