Rig Veda Book 1 Hymn 130 एन्द्र याह्युप नः परावतो नायमछा विदथानीव सत्पतिरस्तं राजेव सत्पतिः | हवामहे तवा वयं परयस्वन्तः सुते सचा | पुत्रासो न पितरं वाजसातये मंहिष्ठं वाजसातये || पिबा सोममिन्द्र सुवानमद्रिभिः कोशेन सिक्तमवतं नवंसगस्तात्र्षाणो न वंसगः | मदाय हर्यतय ते तुविष्टमाय धायसे | आ तवा यछन्तु हरितो न सूर्यमहाविश्वेव सूर्यम || अविन्दद दिवो निहितं गुहा निधिं वेर्न गर्भं परिवीतमश्मन्यनन्ते अन्तरश्मनि | वरजं वज्रि गवामिव सिषासन्नङगिरस्तमः | अपाव्र्णोदिष इन्द्रः परीव्र्ता दवार इषः परीव्र्ताः || दाद्र्हाणो वज्रमिन्द्रो गभस्त्योः कषद्मेव तिग्ममसनायसं शयदहिहत्याय सं शयत | संविव्यान ओजसा शवोभिरिन्द्र मज्मना | तष्टेव वर्क्षं वनिनो नि वर्श्चसि परश्वेव नि वर्श्चसि || तवं वर्था नद्य इन्द्र सर्तवे.अछा समुद्रमस्र्जो रथानिव वाजयतो रथानिव | इत ऊतीरयुञ्जत समानमर्थमक्षितम | धेनूरिव मनवे विश्वदोहसो जनाय विश्वदोहसः || इमां ते वाचं वसूयन्त आयवो रथं न धीरः सवपातक्षिषुः सुम्नाय तवामतक्षिषुः | शुम्भन्तो जेन्यं यथा वाजेषु विप्र वाजिनम | अत्यमिव शवसे सातये धना विश्वा धनानि सातये || भिनत पुरो नवतिमिन्द्र पूरवे दिवोदासाय महि दाशुषे नर्तो वज्रेण दाशुषे नर्तो | अतिथिग्वाय शम्बरं गिरेरुग्रोवाभरत | महो धनानि दयमान ओजसा विश्वा धनान्योजसा || इन्द्रः समत्सु यजमानमार्यं परावद विश्वेषु शतमूतिराजिषु सवर्मीळ्हेष्वाजिषु | मनवे शासदव्रतान तवचं कर्ष्णामरन्धयत | दक्षन न विश्वं तत्र्षाणमोषतिन्यर्शसानमोषति || सूरश्चक्रं पर वर्हज्जात ओजसा परपित्वे वाचमरुणो मुषायतीशान आ मुषायति | उशना यत परावतो.अजगन्नूतये कवे | सुम्नानि विश्वा मनुषेव तुर्वणिरहा विश्वेवतुर्वणिः || स नो नव्येभिर्व्र्षकर्मन्नुक्थैः पुरां दर्तः पायुभिःपाहि शग्मैः | दिवोदासेभिरिन्द्र सतवानो वाव्र्धीथा अहोभिरिव दयौः ||
endra yāhyupa naḥ parāvato nāyamachā vidathānīva satpatirastaṃ rājeva satpatiḥ | havāmahe tvā vayaṃ prayasvantaḥ sute sacā | putrāso na pitaraṃ vājasātaye maṃhiṣṭhaṃ vājasātaye || pibā somamindra suvānamadribhiḥ kośena siktamavataṃ navaṃsaghastātṛṣāṇo na vaṃsaghaḥ | madāya haryataya te tuviṣṭamāya dhāyase | ā tvā yachantu harito na sūryamahāviśveva sūryam || avindad divo nihitaṃ ghuhā nidhiṃ verna gharbhaṃ parivītamaśmanyanante antaraśmani | vrajaṃ vajri ghavāmiva siṣāsannaṅghirastamaḥ | apāvṛṇodiṣa indraḥ parīvṛtā dvāra iṣaḥ parīvṛtāḥ || dādṛhāṇo vajramindro ghabhastyoḥ kṣadmeva tighmamasanāyasaṃ śyadahihatyāya saṃ śyat | saṃvivyāna ojasā śavobhirindra majmanā | taṣṭeva vṛkṣaṃ vanino ni vṛścasi paraśveva ni vṛścasi || tvaṃ vṛthā nadya indra sartave.achā samudramasṛjo rathāniva vājayato rathāniva | ita ūtīrayuñjata samānamarthamakṣitam | dhenūriva manave viśvadohaso janāya viśvadohasaḥ || imāṃ te vācaṃ vasūyanta āyavo rathaṃ na dhīraḥ svapāatakṣiṣuḥ sumnāya tvāmatakṣiṣuḥ | śumbhanto jenyaṃ yathā vājeṣu vipra vājinam | atyamiva śavase sātaye dhanā viśvā dhanāni sātaye || bhinat puro navatimindra pūrave divodāsāya mahi dāśuṣe nṛto vajreṇa dāśuṣe nṛto | atithighvāya śambaraṃ ghirerughroavābharat | maho dhanāni dayamāna ojasā viśvā dhanānyojasā || indraḥ samatsu yajamānamāryaṃ prāvad viśveṣu śatamūtirājiṣu svarmīḷheṣvājiṣu | manave śāsadavratān tvacaṃ kṛṣṇāmarandhayat | dakṣan na viśvaṃ tatṛṣāṇamoṣatinyarśasānamoṣati || sūraścakraṃ pra vṛhajjāta ojasā prapitve vācamaruṇo muṣāyatīśāna ā muṣāyati | uśanā yat parāvato.ajaghannūtaye kave | sumnāni viśvā manuṣeva turvaṇirahā viśvevaturvaṇiḥ || sa no navyebhirvṛṣakarmannukthaiḥ purāṃ dartaḥ pāyubhiḥpāhi śaghmaiḥ | divodāsebhirindra stavāno vāvṛdhīthā ahobhiriva dyauḥ ||
Rig Veda
- Come to us, Indra, from afar, conducting us even as a lord of heroes to the gatherings, home, like a King, his heroes’ lord. We come with gifts of pleasant food, with juice poured forth, invoking thee, As sons invite a sire, that thou mayst get thee strength thee, bounteousest, to get thee strength. 2 O Indra, drink the Soma juice pressed out with stones. poured from the reservoir, as an ox drinks the spring, a very thirsty bull the spring. For the sweet draught that gladdens thee, for mightiest freshening of thy strength. Let thy Bay Horses bring thee hither as the Sun, as every day they bring the Sun. 3 He found the treasure brought from heaven that lay concealed, close-hidden, like the nestling of a bird, in rock, enclosed in never-ending rock. Best Aṅgiras, bolt-armed, he strove to win, as ’twere, the stall of kine; So Indra hath disclosed the food concealed, disclosed the doors, the food that lay concealed. 4 Grasping his thunderbolt with both hands, Indra made its edge most keen, for hurling, like a carving-knife for Ahi’s slaughter made it keen. Endued with majesty and strength, O Indra, and with lordly might, Thou crashest down the trees, as when a craftsman fells, crashest them down as with an axe. 5 Thou, Indra, without effort hast let loose the floods to run their free course down, like chariots, to the sea, like chariots showing forth their strength. They, reaching hence away, have joined their strength for one eternal end, Even as the cows who poured forth every thing for man, Yea, poured forth all things for mankind. 6 Eager for riches, men have formed for thee this song, like as a skilful craftsman fashioneth a car, so have they wrought thee to their bliss; Adorning thee, O Singer, like a generous steed for deeds of might, Yea, like a steed to show his strength and win the prize, that he may bear each prize away. 7 For Pūru thou hast shattered, Indra ninety forts, for Divodāsa thy boon servant with thy bolt, O Dancer, for thy worshipper. For Atithigva he, the Strong, brought Śambara. from the mountain down, Distributing the mighty treasures with his strength, parting all treasures with his strength. 8 Indra in battles help his Āryan worshipper, he who hath hundred helps at hand in every fray, in frays that win the light of heaven. Plaguing the lawless he gave up to Manu’s seed the dusky skin; Blazing, ’twere, he burns each covetous man away, he burns, the tyrannous away. 9 Waxed strong in might at dawn he tore the Sun’s wheel off. Bright red, he steals away their speech, the Lord of Power, their speech he steals away from them, As thou with eager speed, O Sage, hast come from far away to help, As winning for thine own all happiness of men, winning all happiness each day. 10 Lauded with our new hymns, O vigorous in deed, save us with strengthening help, thou Shatterer of the Forts! Thou, Indra, praised by Divodāsa’s clansmen, as heaven grows great with days, shalt wax in glory.