
Rig Veda Book 1 Hymn 120 का राधद धोत्राश्विना वां को वां जोष उभयोः | कथा विधात्यप्रचेताः || विद्वांसाविद दुरः पर्छेदविद्वानित्थापरो अचेताः | नू चिन नु मर्ते अक्रौ || ता विद्वांसा हवामहे वां ता नो विद्वांसा मन्म वोचेतमद्य | परार्चद दयमानो युवाकुः || वि पर्छामि पाक्या न देवान वषट्क्र्तस्याद्भुतस्य दस्रा | पातं च सह्यसो युवं च रभ्यसो नः || पर या घोषे भर्गवाणे न शोभे यया वाचा यजति पज्रियो वाम | परैषयुर्न विद्वान || शरुतं गायत्रं तकवानस्याहं चिद धि रिरेभाश्विना वाम | आक्षी शुभस पती दन || युवं हयास्तं महो रन युवं वा यन निरततंसतम | तानो वसू सुगोपा सयातं पातं नो वर्कादघायोः || मा कस्मै धातमभ्यमित्रिणे नो माकुत्रा नो गर्हेभ्यो धेनवो गुः | सतनाभुजो अशिश्वीः || दुहीयन मित्रधितये युवाकु राये च नो मिमीतं वाजवत्यै | इषे च नो मिमीतं धेनुमत्यै || अश्विनोरसनं रथमनश्वं वाजिनावतोः | तेनाहं भूरि चाकन || अयं समह मा तनूह्याते जनाननु | सोमपेयं सुखो रथः || अध सवप्नस्य निर्विदे.अभुञ्जतश्च रेवतः | उभा ता बस्रि नश्यतः ||

kā rādhad dhotrāśvinā vāṃ ko vāṃ joṣa ubhayoḥ | kathā vidhātyapracetāḥ || vidvāṃsāvid duraḥ pṛchedavidvānitthāparo acetāḥ | nū cin nu marte akrau || tā vidvāṃsā havāmahe vāṃ tā no vidvāṃsā manma vocetamadya | prārcad dayamāno yuvākuḥ || vi pṛchāmi pākyā na devān vaṣaṭkṛtasyādbhutasya dasrā | pātaṃ ca sahyaso yuvaṃ ca rabhyaso naḥ || pra yā ghoṣe bhṛghavāṇe na śobhe yayā vācā yajati pajriyo vām | praiṣayurna vidvān || śrutaṃ ghāyatraṃ takavānasyāhaṃ cid dhi rirebhāśvinā vām | ākṣī śubhas patī dan || yuvaṃ hyāstaṃ maho ran yuvaṃ vā yan niratataṃsatam | tāno vasū sughopā syātaṃ pātaṃ no vṛkādaghāyoḥ || mā kasmai dhātamabhyamitriṇe no mākutrā no ghṛhebhyo dhenavo ghuḥ | stanābhujo aśiśvīḥ || duhīyan mitradhitaye yuvāku rāye ca no mimītaṃ vājavatyai | iṣe ca no mimītaṃ dhenumatyai || aśvinorasanaṃ rathamanaśvaṃ vājināvatoḥ | tenāhaṃ bhūri cākana || ayaṃ samaha mā tanūhyāte janānanu | somapeyaṃ sukho rathaḥ || adha svapnasya nirvide.abhuñjataśca revataḥ | ubhā tā basri naśyataḥ ||


Rig Veda

  1. AŚVINS, what praise may win your grace? Who may be pleasing to you both? How shall the ignorant worship you? 2 Here let the ignorant ask the means of you who know—for none beside you knoweth aught— Not of a spiritless mortal man. 3 Such as ye: are, all-wise, we call you. Ye wise, declare to us this day accepted prayer. Loving you well your servant lauds you. 4 Simply, ye Mighty Ones, I ask the Gods of that wondrous oblation hallowed by the mystic word. Save us from what is stronger, fiercer than ourselves. 5 Forth go the hymn that shone in Ghoṣā Bhṛgu’s like, the song wherewith the son of Pajra worships you, Like some wise minister. 6 Hear ye the song of him who hastens speedily. O Aśvins, I am he who sang your praise. Hither, ye Lords of Splendour, hither turn your eyes. 7 For ye were ever nigh to deal forth ample wealth, to give the wealth that ye had gathered up. As such, ye Vasus, guard us well, and keep us safely from the wicked wolf. 8 Give us not up to any man who hateth us, nor let our milch-cows stray, whose udders give us food, Far from our homes without their calves. 9 May they who love you gain you for their Friends. Prepare ye us for opulence with strengthening food, Prepare us for the food that floweth from our cows 10 I have obtained the horseless car of Aśvins rich in sacrifice, And I am well content therewith. 11 May it convey me evermore: may the light chariot pass from men To men unto the Soma draught. 12 It holdeth slumber in contempt. and the rich who enjoyeth not: Both vanish quickly and are lost.