Rig Veda Book 1 Hymn 119 आ वां रथं पुरुमायं मनोजुवं जीराश्वं यज्ञियं जीवसे हुवे | सहस्रकेतुं वनिनं शतद्वसुं शरुष्टीवानं वरिवोधामभि परयः || ऊर्ध्वा धीतिः परत्यस्य परयामन्यधायि शस्मन समयन्त आ दिशः | सवदामि घर्मं परति यन्त्यूतय आ वामूर्जानी रथमश्विनारुहत || सं यन मिथः पस्प्र्धानासो अग्मत शुभे मखा अमिता जायवो रणे | युवोरह परवणे चेकिते रथो यदश्विना वहथः सूरिमा वरम || युवं भुज्युं भुरमाणं विभिर्गतं सवयुक्तिभिर्निवहन्ता पित्र्भ्य आ | यासिष्टं वर्तिर्व्र्षणा विजेन्यं दिवोदासाय महि चेति वामवः || युवोरश्विना वपुषे युवायुजं रथं वाणी येमतुरस्य शर्ध्यम | आ वां पतित्वं सख्याय जग्मुषी योषाव्र्णीतजेन्या युवां पती || युवं रेभं परिषूतेरुरुष्यथो हिमेन घर्मं परितप्तमत्रये | युवं शयोरवसं पिप्यथुर्गवि पर दीर्घेण वन्दनस्तार्यायुषा || युवं वन्दनं निर्र्तं जरण्यया रथं न दस्रा करणा समिन्वथः | कषेत्रादा विप्रं जनथो विपन्यया पर वामत्र विधते दंसना भुवत || अगछतं कर्पमाणं परावति पितुः सवस्य तयजसा निबाधितम | सवर्वतीरित ऊतीर्युवोरह चित्रा अभीके अभवन्नभिष्टयः || उत सया वां मधुमन मक्षिकारपन मदे सोमस्यौशिजो हुवन्यति | युवं दधीचो मन आ विवासथो.अथा शिरः परति वामश्व्यं वदत || युवं पेदवे पुरुवारमश्विना सप्र्धां शवेतं तरुतारन्दुवस्यथः | शर्यैरभिद्युं पर्तनासु दुष्टरं चर्क्र्त्यमिन्द्रमिव चर्षणीसहम ||
ā vāṃ rathaṃ purumāyaṃ manojuvaṃ jīrāśvaṃ yajñiyaṃ jīvase huve | sahasraketuṃ vaninaṃ śatadvasuṃ śruṣṭīvānaṃ varivodhāmabhi prayaḥ || ūrdhvā dhītiḥ pratyasya prayāmanyadhāyi śasman samayanta ā diśaḥ | svadāmi gharmaṃ prati yantyūtaya ā vāmūrjānī rathamaśvināruhat || saṃ yan mithaḥ paspṛdhānāso aghmata śubhe makhā amitā jāyavo raṇe | yuvoraha pravaṇe cekite ratho yadaśvinā vahathaḥ sūrimā varam || yuvaṃ bhujyuṃ bhuramāṇaṃ vibhirghataṃ svayuktibhirnivahantā pitṛbhya ā | yāsiṣṭaṃ vartirvṛṣaṇā vijenyaṃ divodāsāya mahi ceti vāmavaḥ || yuvoraśvinā vapuṣe yuvāyujaṃ rathaṃ vāṇī yematurasya śardhyam | ā vāṃ patitvaṃ sakhyāya jaghmuṣī yoṣāvṛṇītajenyā yuvāṃ patī || yuvaṃ rebhaṃ pariṣūteruruṣyatho himena gharmaṃ paritaptamatraye | yuvaṃ śayoravasaṃ pipyathurghavi pra dīrgheṇa vandanastāryāyuṣā || yuvaṃ vandanaṃ nirṛtaṃ jaraṇyayā rathaṃ na dasrā karaṇā saminvathaḥ | kṣetrādā vipraṃ janatho vipanyayā pra vāmatra vidhate daṃsanā bhuvat || aghachataṃ kṛpamāṇaṃ parāvati pituḥ svasya tyajasā nibādhitam | svarvatīrita ūtīryuvoraha citrā abhīke abhavannabhiṣṭayaḥ || uta syā vāṃ madhuman makṣikārapan made somasyauśijo huvanyati | yuvaṃ dadhīco mana ā vivāsatho.athā śiraḥ prati vāmaśvyaṃ vadat || yuvaṃ pedave puruvāramaśvinā spṛdhāṃ śvetaṃ tarutāranduvasyathaḥ | śaryairabhidyuṃ pṛtanāsu duṣṭaraṃ carkṛtyamindramiva carṣaṇīsaham ||
Rig Veda
- HITHER, that I may live, I call unto the feast your wondrous car, thought-swift, borne on by rapid steeds. With thousand banners, hundred treasures, pouring gifts, promptly obedient, bestowing ample room. 2 Even as it moveth near my hymn is lifted up, and all the regions come together to sing praise. I sweeten the oblations; now the helpers come. Ūrjānī hath, O Aśvins, mounted on your car. 3 When striving man with man for glory they have met, brisk, measureless, eager for victory in fight, Then verily your car is seen upon the slope when ye, O Aśvins, bring some choice boon to the prince. 4 Ye came to Bhujyu while he struggled in the flood, with flying birds, self-yoked, ye bore him to his sires. Ye went to the far-distant home, O Mighty Ones; and famed is your great aid to Divodāsa given. 5 Aśvins, the car which you had yoked for glorious show your own two voices urged directed to its goal. Then she who came for friendship, Maid of noble birth, elected you as Husbands, you to be her Lords. 6 Rebha ye saved from tyranny; for Atri’s sake ye quenched with cold the fiery pit that compassed him. Ye made the cow of Śayu stream refreshing milk, and Vandana was holpen to extended life. 7 Doers of marvels, skilful workers, ye restored Vandana, like a car, worn out with length of days. From earth ye brought the sage to life in wondrous mode; be your great deeds done here for him who honours you. 8 Ye went to him who mourned in a far distant place, him who was left forlorn by treachery of his sire. Rich with the light of heaven was then the help ye gave, and marvellous your succour when ye stood by him. 9 To you in praise of sweetness sang the honey-bee: Auśija calleth you in Soma’s rapturous joy. Ye drew unto yourselves the spirit of Dadhyac, and then the horse’s head uttered his words to you. 10 A horse did ye provide for Pedu, excellent, white, O ye Aśvins, conqueror of combatants, Invincible in war by arrows, seeking heaven worthy of fame, like Indra, vanquisher of men.