Rig Veda Book 1 Hymn 118 आ वां रथो अश्विना शयेनपत्वा सुम्र्ळीकः सववान यात्वर्वां | यो मर्त्यस्य मनसो जवीयान तरिवन्धुरो वर्षणा वातरंहाः || तरिवन्धुरेण तरिव्र्ता रथेन तरिचक्रेण सुव्र्ता यातमर्वाक | पिन्वतं गा जिन्वतमर्वतो नो वर्धयतमश्विना वीरमस्मे || परवद्यामना सुव्र्ता रथेन दस्राविमं शर्णुतं शलोकमद्रेः | किमङग वां परत्यवर्तिं गमिष्ठाहुर्विप्रासोश्विना पुराजाः || आ वां शयेनासो अश्विना वहन्तु रथे युक्तास आशवः पतंगाः | ये अप्तुरो दिव्यासो न गर्ध्रा अभि परयो नासत्या वहन्ति || आ वां रथं युवतिस्तिष्ठदत्र जुष्ट्वी नरा दुहितासूर्यस्य | परि वामश्वा वपुषः पतंगा वयो वहन्त्वरुषा अभीके || उद वन्दनमैरतं दंसनाभिरुद रेभं दस्रा वर्षणा शचीभिः | निष टौग्र्यं पारयथः समुद्रात पुनश्च्यवानं चक्रथुर्युवानम || युवमत्रये.अवनीताय तप्तमूर्जमोमानमश्विनावधत्तम | युवं कण्वायापिरिप्ताय चक्षुः परत्यधत्तं सुष्टुतिं जुजुषाणा || युवं धेनुं शयवे नाधितायापिन्वतमश्विना पूर्व्याय | अमुञ्चतं वर्तिकामंहसो निः परति जङघां विश्पलाया अधत्तम || युवं शवेतं पेदव इन्द्रजूतमहिहनमश्विनादत्तमश्वम | जोहूत्रमर्यो अभिभूतिमुग्रं सहस्रसां वर्षणं वीड्वङगम || ता वां नरा सववसे सुजाता हवामहे अश्विना नाधमानाः | आ न उप वसुमता रथेन गिरो जुसाना सुविताय यातम || आ शयेनस्य जवसा नूतनेनास्मे यातं नासत्या सजोषाः | हवे हि वामश्विना रातहव्यः शश्वत्तमाया उषसो वयुष्टौ ||
ā vāṃ ratho aśvinā śyenapatvā sumṛḷīkaḥ svavān yātvarvāṃ | yo martyasya manaso javīyān trivandhuro vṛṣaṇā vātaraṃhāḥ || trivandhureṇa trivṛtā rathena tricakreṇa suvṛtā yātamarvāk | pinvataṃ ghā jinvatamarvato no vardhayatamaśvinā vīramasme || pravadyāmanā suvṛtā rathena dasrāvimaṃ śṛṇutaṃ ślokamadreḥ | kimaṅgha vāṃ pratyavartiṃ ghamiṣṭhāhurviprāsoaśvinā purājāḥ || ā vāṃ śyenāso aśvinā vahantu rathe yuktāsa āśavaḥ pataṃghāḥ | ye apturo divyāso na ghṛdhrā abhi prayo nāsatyā vahanti || ā vāṃ rathaṃ yuvatistiṣṭhadatra juṣṭvī narā duhitāsūryasya | pari vāmaśvā vapuṣaḥ pataṃghā vayo vahantvaruṣā abhīke || ud vandanamairataṃ daṃsanābhirud rebhaṃ dasrā vṛṣaṇā śacībhiḥ | niṣ ṭaughryaṃ pārayathaḥ samudrāt punaścyavānaṃ cakrathuryuvānam || yuvamatraye.avanītāya taptamūrjamomānamaśvināvadhattam | yuvaṃ kaṇvāyāpiriptāya cakṣuḥ pratyadhattaṃ suṣṭutiṃ jujuṣāṇā || yuvaṃ dhenuṃ śayave nādhitāyāpinvatamaśvinā pūrvyāya | amuñcataṃ vartikāmaṃhaso niḥ prati jaṅghāṃ viśpalāyā adhattam || yuvaṃ śvetaṃ pedava indrajūtamahihanamaśvinādattamaśvam | johūtramaryo abhibhūtimughraṃ sahasrasāṃ vṛṣaṇaṃ vīḍvaṅgham || tā vāṃ narā svavase sujātā havāmahe aśvinā nādhamānāḥ | ā na upa vasumatā rathena ghiro jusānā suvitāya yātam || ā śyenasya javasā nūtanenāsme yātaṃ nāsatyā sajoṣāḥ | have hi vāmaśvinā rātahavyaḥ śaśvattamāyā uṣaso vyuṣṭau ||
Rig Veda
- FLYING, with falcons, may your chariot, Aśvins, most gracious, bringing friendly help, come hither,— Your chariot, swifter than the mind of mortal, fleet as the wind, three-seated O ye Mighty. 2 Come to us with your chariot triple seated, three-wheeled, of triple form, that rolleth lightly. Fill full our cows, give mettle to our horses, and make each hero son grow strong, O Aśvins. 3 With your well-rolling car, descending swiftly, hear this the press-stone’s song, ye Wonder-Workers. How then have ancient sages said, O Aśvins, that ye most swiftly come to stay affliction? 4 O Aśvins, let your falcons bear you hither, yoked to your chariot, swift, with flying pinions, Which, ever active, like the airy eagles, carry you, O Nāsatyas, to the banquet. 5 The youthful Daughter of the Sun, delighting in you, ascended there your chariot, Heroes. Borne on their swift wings let your beauteous horses, your birds of ruddy hue, convey you near us. 6 Ye raised up Vandana, strong Wonder-Workers! with great might, and with power ye rescued Rebha. From out the sea ye saved the son of Tugra, and gave his youth again unto Cyavāna. 7 To Atri, cast down to the fire that scorched him, ye gave, O Aśvins, strengthening food and favour. Accepting his fair praises with approval, ye gave his eyes again to blinded Kaṇva. 8 For ancient Śayu in his sore affliction ye caused his cow to swell with milk, O Aśvins. The quail from her great misery ye delivered, and a new leg for Viśpalā provided. 9 A white horse, Aśvins, ye bestowed on Pedu, a serpent-slaying steed sent down by Indra, Loud-neighing, conquering the foe, high-mettled, firm-limbed and vigorous, winning thousand treasures. 10 Such as ye are, O nobly born, O Heroes, we in our trouble call on you for succour. Accepting these our songs, for our wellbeing come to us on your chariot treasure-laden. 11 Come unto us combined in love, Nāsatyas come with the fresh swift vigour of the falcon. Bearing oblations I invoke you, Aśvins, at the first break of everlasting morning.