Rig Veda Book 1 Hymn 104 योनिष ट इन्द्र निषदे अकारि तमा नि षीद सवानो नार्वा | विमुच्य वयो.अवसायाश्वान दोषा वस्तोर्वहीयसः परपित्वे || ओ तये नर इन्द्रमूतये गुर्नू चित तान सद्यो अध्वनो जगम्यात | देवासो मन्युं दासस्य शचम्नन ते न आ वक्षन सुविताय वर्णम || अव तमन भरते केतवेदा अव तमना भरते फेनमुदन | कषीरेण सनातः कुयवस्य योषे हते ते सयातां परवणे शिफायाः || युयोप नाभिरुपरस्यायोः पर पूर्वाभिस्तिरते राष्टि शूरः | अञ्जसी कुलिशी वीरपत्नी पयो हिन्वाना उदभिर्भरन्ते || परति यत सया नीथादर्शि दस्योरोको नाछा सदनं जानती गात | अध समा नो मघवञ्चर्क्र्तादिन मा नो मघेव निष्षपी परा दाः || स तवं न इन्द्र सूर्ये सो अप्स्वनागास्त्व आ भज जीवशंसे | मान्तरां भुजमा रीरिषो नः शरद्धितं ते महत इन्द्रियाय || अधा मन्ये शरत ते अस्मा अधायि वर्षा चोदस्व महते धनाय | मा नो अक्र्ते पुरुहूत योनाविन्द्र कषुध्यद्भ्यो वय आसुतिं दाः || मा नो वधीरिन्द्र मा परा दा मा नः परिया भोजनानि पर मोषीः | आण्डा मा नो मघवञ्छक्र निर्भेन मा नः पात्रा भेत सहजानुषाणि || अर्वां एहि सोमकामं तवाहुरयं सुतस्तस्य पिबा मदाय | उरुव्यचा जथर आ वर्षस्व पितेव नः शर्णुहि हूयमानः ||
yoniṣ ṭa indra niṣade akāri tamā ni ṣīda svāno nārvā | vimucya vayo.avasāyāśvān doṣā vastorvahīyasaḥ prapitve || o tye nara indramūtaye ghurnū cit tān sadyo adhvano jaghamyāt | devāso manyuṃ dāsasya ścamnan te na ā vakṣan suvitāya varṇam || ava tmana bharate ketavedā ava tmanā bharate phenamudan | kṣīreṇa snātaḥ kuyavasya yoṣe hate te syātāṃ pravaṇe śiphāyāḥ || yuyopa nābhiruparasyāyoḥ pra pūrvābhistirate rāṣṭi śūraḥ | añjasī kuliśī vīrapatnī payo hinvānā udabhirbharante || prati yat syā nīthādarśi dasyoroko nāchā sadanaṃ jānatī ghāt | adha smā no maghavañcarkṛtādin mā no magheva niṣṣapī parā dāḥ || sa tvaṃ na indra sūrye so apsvanāghāstva ā bhaja jīvaśaṃse | māntarāṃ bhujamā rīriṣo naḥ śraddhitaṃ te mahata indriyāya || adhā manye śrat te asmā adhāyi vṛṣā codasva mahate dhanāya | mā no akṛte puruhūta yonāvindra kṣudhyadbhyo vaya āsutiṃ dāḥ || mā no vadhīrindra mā parā dā mā naḥ priyā bhojanāni pra moṣīḥ | āṇḍā mā no maghavañchakra nirbhen mā naḥ pātrā bhet sahajānuṣāṇi || arvāṃ ehi somakāmaṃ tvāhurayaṃ sutastasya pibā madāya | uruvyacā jathara ā vṛṣasva piteva naḥ śṛṇuhi hūyamānaḥ ||
Rig Veda
- THE altar hath been made for thee to rest on: come like a panting courser and be seated. Loosen thy flying Steeds, set free thy Horses who bear thee swiftly nigh at eve and morning. 2 These men have come to Indra for assistance: shall he not quickly come upon these pathways? May the Gods quell the fury of the Dāsa, and may they lead our folk to happy fortune. 3 He who hath only wish as his possession casts on himself, casts foam amid the waters. Both wives of Kuyava in milk have bathed them: may they be drowned within the depth of Śiphā. 4 This hath his kinship checked who lives beside us: with ancient streams forth speeds and rules the Hero, Añjasī, Kuliśī, and Virapatnī, delighting him, bear milk upon their waters. 5 Soon as this Dasyu’s traces were discovered, as she who knows her home, he sought the dwelling. Now think thou of us, Maghavan, nor cast us away as doth a profligate his treasure. 6 Indra, as such, give us a share of sunlight, of waters, sinlessness, and reputation. Do thou no harm to our yet unborn offspring: our trust is in thy mighty Indra-power. 7 Now we, I think, in thee as such have trusted: lead us on, Mighty One, to ample riches. In no unready house give us, O Indra invoked of many, food and drink when hungry. 8 Slay us not, Indra; do not thou forsake us: steal not away the joys which we delight in. Rend not our unborn brood, strong Lord of Bounty! our vessels with the life that is within them. 9 Come to us; they have called thee Soma-lover: here is the pressed juice. Drink thereof for rapture. Widely-capacious, pour it down within thee, and, invocated, hear us like a Father.