Rig Veda Book 1 Hymn 102 इमां ते धियं पर भरे महो महीमस्य सतोत्रे धिषणायत त आनजे | तमुत्सवे च परसवे च सासहिमिन्द्रं देवासः शवसामदन्ननु || अस्य शरवो नद्यः सप्त बिभ्रति दयावाक्षामा पर्थिवी दर्शतं वपुः | अस्मे सूर्याचन्द्रमसाभिचक्षे शरद्धे कमिन्द्र चरतो वितर्तुरम || तं समा रथं मघवन्न्प्राव सातये जैत्रं यं ते अनुमदाम संगमे | आजा न इन्द्र मनसा पुरुष्टुत तवायद्भ्यो मघवञ्छर्म यछ नः || वयं जयेम तवया युजा वर्तमस्माकमंशमुदवा भरे-भरे | अस्मभ्यमिन्द्र वरिवः सुगं कर्धि पर शत्रूणांमघवन वर्ष्ण्या रुज || नाना हि तवा हवमाना जना इमे धनानां धर्तरवसाविपन्यवः | अस्माकं समा रथमा तिष्ठ सातये जैत्रंहीन्द्र निभ्र्तं मनस्तव || गोजिता बाहू अमितक्रतुः सिमः कर्मन कर्मञ्छतमूतिः खजंकरः | अकल्प इन्द्रः परतिमानमोजसाथा जना विह्वयन्ते सिषासवः || उत ते शतान मघवन्नुच्च भूयस उत सहस्राद रिरिचे कर्ष्टिषु शरवः | अमात्रं तवा धिषणा तित्विषे मह्यधा वर्त्राणि जिघ्नसे पुरन्दर || तरिविष्टिधातु परतिमानमोजसस्तिस्रो भूमीर्न्र्पते तरीणि रोचना | अतीदं विश्वं भुवनं ववक्षिथाशत्रुरिन्द्रजनुषा सनादसि || तवां देवेषु परथमं हवामहे तवं बभूथ पर्तनासु सासहिः | सेमं नः कारुमुपमन्युमुद्भिदमिन्द्रः कर्णोतु परसवे रथं पुरः || तवं जिगेथ न धना रुरोधिथार्भेष्वाजा मघवन महत्सु च | तवामुग्रमवसे सं शिशीमस्यथा न इन्द्र हवनेषु चोदय || विश्वाहेन्द्रो … ||
imāṃ te dhiyaṃ pra bhare maho mahīmasya stotre dhiṣaṇāyat ta ānaje | tamutsave ca prasave ca sāsahimindraṃ devāsaḥ śavasāmadannanu || asya śravo nadyaḥ sapta bibhrati dyāvākṣāmā pṛthivī darśataṃ vapuḥ | asme sūryācandramasābhicakṣe śraddhe kamindra carato vitarturam || taṃ smā rathaṃ maghavannprāva sātaye jaitraṃ yaṃ te anumadāma saṃghame | ājā na indra manasā puruṣṭuta tvāyadbhyo maghavañcharma yacha naḥ || vayaṃ jayema tvayā yujā vṛtamasmākamaṃśamudavā bhare-bhare | asmabhyamindra varivaḥ sughaṃ kṛdhi pra śatrūṇāṃmaghavan vṛṣṇyā ruja || nānā hi tvā havamānā janā ime dhanānāṃ dhartaravasāvipanyavaḥ | asmākaṃ smā rathamā tiṣṭha sātaye jaitraṃhīndra nibhṛtaṃ manastava || ghojitā bāhū amitakratuḥ simaḥ karman karmañchatamūtiḥ khajaṃkaraḥ | akalpa indraḥ pratimānamojasāthā janā vihvayante siṣāsavaḥ || ut te śatān maghavannucca bhūyasa ut sahasrād ririce kṛṣṭiṣu śravaḥ | amātraṃ tvā dhiṣaṇā titviṣe mahyadhā vṛtrāṇi jighnase purandara || triviṣṭidhātu pratimānamojasastisro bhūmīrnṛpate trīṇi rocanā | atīdaṃ viśvaṃ bhuvanaṃ vavakṣithāśatrurindrajanuṣā sanādasi || tvāṃ deveṣu prathamaṃ havāmahe tvaṃ babhūtha pṛtanāsu sāsahiḥ | semaṃ naḥ kārumupamanyumudbhidamindraḥ kṛṇotu prasave rathaṃ puraḥ || tvaṃ jighetha na dhanā rurodhithārbheṣvājā maghavan mahatsu ca | tvāmughramavase saṃ śiśīmasyathā na indra havaneṣu codaya || viśvāhendro … ||
Rig Veda
- To thee the Mighty One I bring this mighty hymn, for thy desire hath been gratified by my laud. In Indra, yea in him victorious through his strength, the Gods have joyed at feast and when the Soma flowed. 2 The Seven Rivers bear his glory far and wide, and heaven and sky and earth display his comely form. The Sun and Moon in change alternate run their course, that we, O Indra, may behold and may have faith. 3 Maghavan, grant us that same car to bring us spoil, thy conquering car in which we joy in shock of fight. Thou, Indra, whom our hearts praise highly in the war, grant shelter, Maghavan, to us who love thee well. 4 Encourage thou our side in every fight: may we, with thee for our ally, conquer the foeman’s host. Indra, bestow on us joy and felicity break down, O Maghavan, the vigour of our foes. 5 For here in divers ways these men invoking thee, holder of treasures, sing hymns to win thine aid. Ascend the car that thou mayest bring spoil to us, for, Indra, thy fixt winneth the victory. 6 His arms win kine, his power is boundless in each act best, with a hundred helps, waker of battle’s din Is Indra: none may rival him in mighty strength. Hence, eager for the spoil the people call on him. 7 Thy glory, Maghavan, exceeds a hundred yea, more than a hundred, than a thousand mid the folk, The great bowl hath inspirited thee boundlessly: so mayst thou slay the Vṛtras, breaker-down of forts! 8 Of thy great might there is a three counterpart, the three earths, Lord men and the three realms of light. Above this whole world, Indra, thou hast waxen great: without a foe art thou, nature, from of old. 9 We invocate thee first among the Deities: thou hast become a mighty Conquer in fight. May Indra fill with spirit this our singer’s heart, and make our car impetuous, foremost in attack. 10 Thou hast prevailed, and hast not kept the booty back, in trifling battles in those of great account. We make thee keen, the Mighty One, succour us: inspire us, Maghavan, when we defy the foe. 11 May Indra evermore be our Protector, and unimperilled may we win the booty. This prayer of ours may Varuṇa grant and Mitra, and Aditi and Sindhu, Earth and Heaven.