Rig Veda Book 1 Hymn 100 स यो वर्षा वर्ष्ण्येभिः समोका महो दिवः पर्थिव्याश्चसम्राट | सतीनसत्वा हव्यो भरेषु मरुत्वान नो भवत्विन्द्र ऊती || यस्यानाप्तः सूर्यस्येव यामो भरे-भरे वर्त्रहा शुष्मो अस्ति | वर्षन्तमः सखिभिः सवेभिरेवैर्म… || दिवो न यस्य रेतसो दुघानाः पन्थासो यन्ति शवसापरीताः | तरद्द्वेषाः सासहिः पौंस्येभिर्म… || सो अङगिरोभिरङगिरस्तमो भूद वर्षा वर्षभिः सखिभिः सखा सन | रग्मिभिर्र्ग्मी गातुभिर्ज्येष्ठो म… || स सूनुभिर्न रुद्रेभिर्र्भ्वा नर्षाह्ये सासह्वानमित्रान | सनीळेभिः शरवस्यानि तूर्वन म… || स मन्युमीः समदनस्य कर्तास्माकेभिर्न्र्भिः सूर्यं सनत | अस्मिन्नहन सत्पतिः पुरुहूतो म… || तमूतयो रणयञ्छूरसातौ तं कषेमस्य कषितयः कर्ण्वत तराम | स विश्वस्य करुणस्येश एको म… || तमप्सन्त शवस उत्सवेषु नरो नरमवसे तं धनाय | सो अन्धे चित तमसि जयोतिर्विदन म… || स सव्येन यमति वराधतश्चित स दक्षिणे संग्र्भीता कर्तानि | स कीरिणा चित सनिता धनानि म… || स गरामेभिः सनिता स रथेभिर्विदे विश्वाभिः कर्ष्टिभिर्न्वद्य | स पौंस्येभिरभिभूरशस्तीर्म… || स जामिभिर्यत समजाति मीळ्हे.अजामिभिर्वा पुरुहूत एवैः | अपां तोकस्य तनयस्य जेषे म… || स वज्रभ्र्द दस्युहा भीम उग्रः सहस्रचेताः शतनीथर्भ्वा | चम्रीषो न शवसा पाञ्चजन्यो म… || तस्य वज्रः करन्दति समत सवर्षा दिवो न तवेषो रवथःशिमीवान | तं सचन्ते सनयस्तं धनानि म… || यस्याजस्रं शवसा मानमुक्थं परिभुजद रोदसी विश्वतः सीम | स पारिषत करतुभिर्मन्दसानो म… || न यस्य देवा देवता न मर्ता आपश्चन शवसो अन्तमापुः | स पररिक्वा तवक्षसा कष्मो दिवश्च म… || रोहिच्छ्यावा सुमदंशुर्ललामीर्द्युक्षा राय रज्राश्वस्य | वर्षण्वन्तं बिभ्रती धूर्षु रथं मन्द्रा चिकेत नाहुषीषु विक्षु || एतत तयत त इन्द्र वर्ष्ण उक्थं वार्षागिरा अभि गर्णन्ति राधः | रज्राश्वः परष्टिभिरम्बरीषः सहदेवो भयमानः सुराधाः || दस्यूञ्छिम्यूंश्च पुरुहूत एवैर्हत्वा पर्थिव्यां शर्वा नि बर्हीत | सनत कषेत्रं सखिभिः शवित्न्येभिः सनत्सूर्यं सनदपः सुवज्रः || विश्वाहेन्द्रो अधिवक्ता नो अस्त्वपरिह्व्र्ताः सनुयाम वाजम | तन नो … ||
sa yo vṛṣā vṛṣṇyebhiḥ samokā maho divaḥ pṛthivyāścasamrāṭ | satīnasatvā havyo bhareṣu marutvān no bhavatvindra ūtī || yasyānāptaḥ sūryasyeva yāmo bhare-bhare vṛtrahā śuṣmo asti | vṛṣantamaḥ sakhibhiḥ svebhirevairma… || divo na yasya retaso dughānāḥ panthāso yanti śavasāparītāḥ | taraddveṣāḥ sāsahiḥ pauṃsyebhirma… || so aṅghirobhiraṅghirastamo bhūd vṛṣā vṛṣabhiḥ sakhibhiḥ sakhā san | ṛghmibhirṛghmī ghātubhirjyeṣṭho ma… || sa sūnubhirna rudrebhirṛbhvā nṛṣāhye sāsahvānamitrān | sanīḷebhiḥ śravasyāni tūrvan ma… || sa manyumīḥ samadanasya kartāsmākebhirnṛbhiḥ sūryaṃ sanat | asminnahan satpatiḥ puruhūto ma… || tamūtayo raṇayañchūrasātau taṃ kṣemasya kṣitayaḥ kṛṇvata trām | sa viśvasya karuṇasyeśa eko ma… || tamapsanta śavasa utsaveṣu naro naramavase taṃ dhanāya | so andhe cit tamasi jyotirvidan ma… || sa savyena yamati vrādhataścit sa dakṣiṇe saṃghṛbhītā kṛtāni | sa kīriṇā cit sanitā dhanāni ma… || sa ghrāmebhiḥ sanitā sa rathebhirvide viśvābhiḥ kṛṣṭibhirnvadya | sa pauṃsyebhirabhibhūraśastīrma… || sa jāmibhiryat samajāti mīḷhe.ajāmibhirvā puruhūta evaiḥ | apāṃ tokasya tanayasya jeṣe ma… || sa vajrabhṛd dasyuhā bhīma ughraḥ sahasracetāḥ śatanīthaṛbhvā | camrīṣo na śavasā pāñcajanyo ma… || tasya vajraḥ krandati smat svarṣā divo na tveṣo ravathaḥśimīvān | taṃ sacante sanayastaṃ dhanāni ma… || yasyājasraṃ śavasā mānamukthaṃ paribhujad rodasī viśvataḥ sīm | sa pāriṣat kratubhirmandasāno ma… || na yasya devā devatā na martā āpaścana śavaso antamāpuḥ | sa prarikvā tvakṣasā kṣmo divaśca ma… || rohicchyāvā sumadaṃśurlalāmīrdyukṣā rāya ṛjrāśvasya | vṛṣaṇvantaṃ bibhratī dhūrṣu rathaṃ mandrā ciketa nāhuṣīṣu vikṣu || etat tyat ta indra vṛṣṇa ukthaṃ vārṣāghirā abhi ghṛṇanti rādhaḥ | ṛjrāśvaḥ praṣṭibhirambarīṣaḥ sahadevo bhayamānaḥ surādhāḥ || dasyūñchimyūṃśca puruhūta evairhatvā pṛthivyāṃ śarvā ni barhīt | sanat kṣetraṃ sakhibhiḥ śvitnyebhiḥ sanatsūryaṃ sanadapaḥ suvajraḥ || viśvāhendro adhivaktā no astvaparihvṛtāḥ sanuyāma vājam | tan no … ||
Rig Veda
- MAY he who hath his home with strength, the Mighty, the King supreme of earth and spacious heaven, Lord of true power, to he invoked in battles,—may Indra, girt by Maruts, be our succour. 2 Whose way is unattainable like Sūrya’s: he in each fight is the strong Vṛtra-slayer, Mightiest with his Friends in his own courses. May Indra, girt by Maruts, be our succour. 3 Whose paths go forth in their great might resistless, forthmilking, as it were, heaven’s genial moisture. With manly strength triumphant, foe-subduer,—may Indra, girt by Maruts, be our succour. 4 Among Aṅgirases he was the chiefest, a Friend with friends, mighty amid the mighty. Praiser mid praisers, honoured most of singers. May Indra, girt by Maruts, be our succour. 5 Strong with the Rudras as with his own children, in manly battle conquering his foemen ' With his close comrades doing deeds of glory,—may Indra, girt by Maruts, be our succour. 6 Humbler of pride, exciter of the conflict, the Lord of heroes, God invoked of many, May he this day gain with our men the sunlight. May Indra, girt by Maruts, be our succour. 7 His help hath made him cheerer in the battle, the folk have made him guardian of their comfort. Sole Lord is he of every holy service. May Indra, girt by Maruts, be our succour. 8 To him the Hero, on high days of prowess, heroes for help and booty shall betake them. He hath found light even in the blinding darkness. May Indra, girt by Maruts, be our succour. 9 He with his left hand checketh even the mighty, and with his right hand gathereth up the booty. Even with the humble he acquireth riches. May Indra, girt by Maruts, be our succour. 10 With hosts on foot and cars he winneth treasures: well is he known this day by all the people. With manly might he conquereth those who hate him. May Indra, girt by Maruts, be our succour. 11 When in his ways with kinsmen or with strangers he speedeth to the fight, invoked of many, For gain of waters, and of sons and grandsons, may Indra, girt by Maruts, be our succour. 12 Awful and fierce, fiend-slayer, thunder-wielder, with boundless knowledge, hymned by hundreds, mighty, In strength like Soma, guard of the Five Peoples, may Indra, girt by Maruts, be our succour. 13 Winning the light, hitherward roars his thunder like the terrific mighty voice of Heaven. Rich gifts and treasures evermore attend him. May Indra, girt by Maruts, be our succour. 14 Whose home eternal through his strength surrounds him on every side, his laud, the earth and heaven, May he, delighted with our service, save us. May Indra, girt by Maruts, be our succour. 15 The limit of whose power not Gods by Godhead, nor mortal men have reached, nor yet the Waters. Both Earth and Heaven in vigour he surpasseth. May Indra, girt by Maruts, he our succour. 16 The red and tawny mare, blaze-marked, high standing, celestial who, to bring Ṛjrāśva riches, Drew at the pole the chariot yoked with stallions, joyous, among the hosts of men was noted. 17 The Vārṣāgiras unto thee, O Indra, the Mighty One, sing forth this laud to please thee, Ṛjrāśva with his fellows, Ambarīṣa, Surādhas, Sahadeva, Bhayamāna. 18 He, much invoked, hath slain Dasyus and Śimyus, after his wont, and laid them low with arrows. The mighty Thunderer with his fair-complexioned friends won the land, the sunlight, and the waters. 19 May Indra evermore be our protector, and unimperilled may we win the booty. This prayer of ours may Varuṇa grant, and Mitra, and Aditi and Sindhu, Earth and Heaven.