
Rig Veda Book 1 Hymn 89 आ नो भद्राः करतवो कष्यन्तु विश्वतो.अदब्धासो अपरीतास उद्भिदः | देवा नो यथा सदमिद वर्धे असन्नप्रायुवो रक्षितारो दिवे-दिवे || देवानां भद्रा सुमतिर्र्जूयतां देवानां रातिरभि नोनि वर्तताम | देवानां सख्यमुप सेदिमा वयं देवा न आयुः पर तिरन्तु जीवसे || तान पूर्वया निविदा हूमहे वयं भगं मित्रमदितिं दक्षमस्रिधम | अर्यमणं वरुणं सोममश्विना सरस्वतीनः सुभगा मयस करत || तन नो वातो मयोभु वातु भेषजं तन माता पर्थिवी तत्पिता दयौः | तद गरावाणः सोमसुतो मयोभुवस्तदश्विना शर्णुतं धिष्ण्या युवम || तमीशानं जगतस्तस्थुषस पतिं धियंजिन्वमवसे हूमहे वयम | पूषा नो यथा वेदसामसद वर्धे रक्षिता पायुरदब्धः सवस्तये || सवस्ति न इन्द्रो वर्द्धश्रवाः सवस्ति नः पुषा विश्ववेदाः | सवस्ति नस्तार्क्ष्यो अरिष्टनेमिः सवस्ति नो बर्हस्पतिर्दधातु || पर्षदश्वा मरुतः पर्श्निमातरः शुभंयावानो विदथेषुजग्मयः | अग्निजिह्वा मनवः सूरचक्षसो विश्वे नो देवा अवसा गमन्निह || भद्रं कर्णेभिः शर्णुयाम देवा भद्रं पश्येमाक्षभिर्यजत्राः | सथिरैरङगैस्तुष्टुवांसस्तनूभिर्व्यशेमदेवहितं यदायुः || शतमिन नु शरदो अन्ति देवा यत्रा नश्चक्रा जरसं तनूनाम | पुत्रासो यत्र पितरो भवन्ति मा नो मध्या रीरिषतायुर्गन्तोः || अदितिर्द्यौरदितिरन्तरिक्षमदितिर्माता स पिता स पुत्रः | विश्वे देवा अदितिः पञ्च जना अदितिर्जातमदितिर्जनित्वम ||

ā no bhadrāḥ kratavo kṣyantu viśvato.adabdhāso aparītāsa udbhidaḥ | devā no yathā sadamid vṛdhe asannaprāyuvo rakṣitāro dive-dive || devānāṃ bhadrā sumatirṛjūyatāṃ devānāṃ rātirabhi noni vartatām | devānāṃ sakhyamupa sedimā vayaṃ devā na āyuḥ pra tirantu jīvase || tān pūrvayā nividā hūmahe vayaṃ bhaghaṃ mitramaditiṃ dakṣamasridham | aryamaṇaṃ varuṇaṃ somamaśvinā sarasvatīnaḥ subhaghā mayas karat || tan no vāto mayobhu vātu bheṣajaṃ tan mātā pṛthivī tatpitā dyauḥ | tad ghrāvāṇaḥ somasuto mayobhuvastadaśvinā śṛṇutaṃ dhiṣṇyā yuvam || tamīśānaṃ jaghatastasthuṣas patiṃ dhiyaṃjinvamavase hūmahe vayam | pūṣā no yathā vedasāmasad vṛdhe rakṣitā pāyuradabdhaḥ svastaye || svasti na indro vṛddhaśravāḥ svasti naḥ puṣā viśvavedāḥ | svasti nastārkṣyo ariṣṭanemiḥ svasti no bṛhaspatirdadhātu || pṛṣadaśvā marutaḥ pṛśnimātaraḥ śubhaṃyāvāno vidatheṣujaghmayaḥ | aghnijihvā manavaḥ sūracakṣaso viśve no devā avasā ghamanniha || bhadraṃ karṇebhiḥ śṛṇuyāma devā bhadraṃ paśyemākṣabhiryajatrāḥ | sthirairaṅghaistuṣṭuvāṃsastanūbhirvyaśemadevahitaṃ yadāyuḥ || śatamin nu śarado anti devā yatrā naścakrā jarasaṃ tanūnām | putrāso yatra pitaro bhavanti mā no madhyā rīriṣatāyurghantoḥ || aditirdyauraditirantarikṣamaditirmātā sa pitā sa putraḥ | viśve devā aditiḥ pañca janā aditirjātamaditirjanitvam ||


Rig Veda

  1. MAY powers auspicious come to us from every side, never deceived, unhindered, and victorious, That the Gods ever may be with us for our gain, our guardians day by day unceasing in their care. 2 May the auspicious favour of the Gods be ours, on us descend the bounty of the righteous Gods. The friendship of the Gods have we devoutly sought: so may the Gods extend our life that we may live. 3 We call them hither with a hymn of olden time, Bhaga, the friendly Dakṣa, Mitra, Aditi, Aryaman, Varuṇa, Soma, the Aśvins. May Sarasvatī, auspicious, grant felicity. 4 May the Wind waft to us that pleasant medicine, may Earth our Mother give it, and our Father Heaven, And the joy-giving stones that press the Soma’s juice. Aśvins, may ye, for whom our spirits long, hear this. 5 Him we invoke for aid who reigns supreme, the Lord of all that stands or moves, inspirer of the soul, That Pūṣan may promote the increase of our wealth, our keeper and our guard infallible for our good. 6 Illustrious far and wide, may Indra prosper us: may Pūṣan prosper us, the Master of all wealth. May Tārkṣya with uninjured fellies prosper us: Bṛhaspati vouchsafe to us prosperity. 7 The Maruts, Sons of Pṛśni, borne by spotted steeds, moving in glory, oft visiting holy rites, Sages whose tongue is Agni, brilliant as the Sun,—hither let all the Gods for our protection come. 8 Gods, may we with our ears listen to what is good, and with our eyes see what is good, ye Holy Ones. With limbs and bodies firm may we extolling you attain the term of life appointed by the Gods. 9 A hundred autumns stand before us, O ye Gods, within whose space ye bring our bodies to decay; Within whose space our sons become fathers in turn. Break ye not in the midst our course of fleeting life. 10 Aditi is the heaven, Aditi is mid-air, Aditi is the Mother and the Sire and Son. Aditi is all Gods, Aditi five-classed men, Aditi all that hath been born and shall be born.