Rig Veda Book 1 Hymn 72 नि काव्या वेधसः शश्वतस कर्हस्ते दधानो नर्या पुरूणि | अग्निर्भुवद रयिपती रयीणां सत्रा चक्राणो अम्र्तानि विश्वा || अस्मे वत्सं परि षन्तं न विन्दन्निछन्तो विश्वे अम्र्ता अमूराः | शरमयुवः पदव्यो धियन्धास्तस्थुः पदे परमेचार्वग्नेः || तिस्रो यदग्ने शरदस्त्वामिच्छुचिं घर्तेन शुचयः सपर्यान | नामानि चिद दधिरे यज्ञियान्यसूदयन्त तन्वः सुजाताः || आ रोदसी बर्हती वेविदानाः पर रुद्रिया जभ्रिरे यज्ञियासः | विदन मर्तो नेमधिता चिकित्वानग्निं पदे परमे तस्थिवांसम || संजानाना उप सीदन्नभिज्ञु पत्नीवन्तो नमस्यं नमस्यन | रिरिक्वांसस्तन्वः कर्ण्वत सवाः सखा सख्युर्निमिषिरक्षमाणाः || तरिः सप्त यद गुह्यानि तवे इत पदाविदन निहिता यज्ञियासः | तेभी रक्षन्ते अम्र्तं सजोषाः पशूञ्च सथातॄञ्चरथं च पाहि || विद्वानग्ने वयुनानि कषितीनां वयानुषक छुरुधो जीवसेधाः | अन्तर्विद्वानध्वनो देवयानानतन्द्रो दूतो अभवो हविर्वाट || सवाध्यो दिव आ सप्त यह्वी रायो दुरो वय रतज्ञा अजानन | विदद गव्यं सरमा दर्ळ्हमूर्वं येना नु कं मानुषीभोजते विट || आ ये विश्वा सवपत्यानि तस्थुः कर्ण्वानासो अम्र्तत्वाय गातुम | मह्ना महद्भिः पर्थिवी वि तस्थे माता पुत्रैरदितिर्धायसे वेः || अधि सरियं नि दधुश्चारुमस्मिन दिवो यदक्षी अम्र्ता अक्र्ण्वन | अध कषरन्ति सिन्धवो न सर्ष्टाः पर नी चीरग्नेरुषीरजानन ||
ni kāvyā vedhasaḥ śaśvatas karhaste dadhāno naryā purūṇi | aghnirbhuvad rayipatī rayīṇāṃ satrā cakrāṇo amṛtāni viśvā || asme vatsaṃ pari ṣantaṃ na vindannichanto viśve amṛtā amūrāḥ | śramayuvaḥ padavyo dhiyandhāstasthuḥ pade paramecārvaghneḥ || tisro yadaghne śaradastvāmicchuciṃ ghṛtena śucayaḥ saparyān | nāmāni cid dadhire yajñiyānyasūdayanta tanvaḥ sujātāḥ || ā rodasī bṛhatī vevidānāḥ pra rudriyā jabhrire yajñiyāsaḥ | vidan marto nemadhitā cikitvānaghniṃ pade parame tasthivāṃsam || saṃjānānā upa sīdannabhijñu patnīvanto namasyaṃ namasyan | ririkvāṃsastanvaḥ kṛṇvata svāḥ sakhā sakhyurnimiṣirakṣamāṇāḥ || triḥ sapta yad ghuhyāni tve it padāvidan nihitā yajñiyāsaḥ | tebhī rakṣante amṛtaṃ sajoṣāḥ paśūñca sthātṝñcarathaṃ ca pāhi || vidvānaghne vayunāni kṣitīnāṃ vyānuṣak churudho jīvasedhāḥ | antarvidvānadhvano devayānānatandro dūto abhavo havirvāṭ || svādhyo diva ā sapta yahvī rāyo duro vy ṛtajñā ajānan | vidad ghavyaṃ saramā dṛḷhamūrvaṃ yenā nu kaṃ mānuṣībhojate viṭ || ā ye viśvā svapatyāni tasthuḥ kṛṇvānāso amṛtatvāya ghātum | mahnā mahadbhiḥ pṛthivī vi tasthe mātā putrairaditirdhāyase veḥ || adhi sriyaṃ ni dadhuścārumasmin divo yadakṣī amṛtā akṛṇvan | adha kṣaranti sindhavo na sṛṣṭāḥ pra nī cīraghnearuṣīrajānan ||
Rig Veda
- THOUGH holding many gifts for men, he humbleth the higher powers of each wise ordainer. Agni is now the treasure-lord of treasures, for ever granting all immortal bounties. 2 The Gods infallible all searching found not him, the dear Babe who still is round about us. Worn weary, following his track, devoted, they reached the lovely highest home of Agni. 3 Because with holy oil the pure Ones, Agni, served thee the very pure three autumn seasons, Therefore they won them holy names for worship, and nobly born they dignified their bodies. 4 Making them known to spacious earth and heaven, the holy Ones revealed the powers of Rudra. The mortal band, discerning in the distance, found Agni standing in the loftiest station. 5 Nigh they approached, one-minded, with their spouses, kneeling to him adorable paid worship. Friend finding in his own friend’s eye protection, they made their own the bodies which they chastened. 6 Soon as the holy beings had discovered the thrice-seven mystic things contained within thee, With these, one-minded, they preserve the Amṛta: guard thou the life of all their plants and cattle. 7 Thou, Agni, knower of men’s works, hast sent us good food in constant course for our subsistence: Thou deeply skilled in paths of Gods becamest an envoy never wearied, offering-bearer. 8 Knowing the Law, the seven strong floods from heaven, full of good thought, discerned the doors of riches. Saramā found the cattle’s firm-built prison whereby the race of man is still supported. 9 They who approached all noble operations making a path that leads to life immortal, To be the Bird’s support, the spacious mother, Aditi, and her great Sons stood in power. 10 When Gods immortal made both eyes of heaven, they gave to him the gift of beauteous glory. Now they flow forth like rivers set in motion: they knew the Red Steeds coming down, O Agni.