
Rig Veda Book 1 Hymn 53 नयू षु वाचं पर महे भरामहे गिर इन्द्राय सदने विवस्वतः | नू चिद धि रत्नं ससतामिवाविदन न दुष्टुतिर्द्रविणोदेषु शस्यते || दुरो अश्वस्य दुर इन्द्र गोरसि दुरो यवस्य वसुन इनस पतिः | शिक्षानरः परदिवो अकामकर्शनः सखा सखिभ्यस्तमिदं गर्णीमसि || शचीव इन्द्र पुरुक्र्द दयुमत्तम तवेदिदमभितश्चेकिते वसु | अतः संग्र्भ्याभिभूत आ भर मा तवायतो जरितुः काममूनयीः || एभिर्द्युभिः सुमना एभिरिन्दुभिर्निरुन्धानो अमतिं गोभिरश्विना | इन्द्रेण दस्युं दरयन्त इन्दुभिर्युतद्वेषसःसमिषा रभेमहि || समिन्द्र राया समिषा रभेमहि सं वाजेभिः पुरुश्चन्द्रैरभिद्युभिः | सं देव्या परमत्या वीरशुष्मया गोग्रयाश्वावत्या रभेमहि || ते तवा मदा अमदन तानि वर्ष्ण्या ते सोमासो वर्त्रहत्येषु सत्पते | यत कारवे दश वर्त्राण्यप्रति बर्हिष्मते नि सहस्राणि बर्हयः || युधा युधमुप घेदेषि धर्ष्णुया पुरा पुरं समिदं हंस्योजसा | नम्या यदिन्द्र सख्या परावति निबर्हयो नमुचिं नाम मायिनम || तवं करञ्जमुत पर्णयं वधीस्तेजिष्ठयातिथिग्वस्यवर्तनी | तवं शता वङगर्दस्याभिनत पुरो.अनानुदः परिषूता रजिश्वना || तवमेताञ जनराज्ञो दविर्दशाबन्धुना सुश्रवसोपजग्मुषः | षष्टिं सहस्रा नवतिं नव शरुतो नि चक्रेण रथ्या दुष्पदाव्र्णक || तवमाविथ सुश्रवसं तवोतिभिस्तव तरामभिरिन्द्र तूर्वयाणम | तवमस्मै कुत्समतिथिग्वमायुं महे राज्ञे यूने अरन्धनायः || य उद्र्चीन्द्र देवगोपाः सखायस्ते शिवतमा असाम | तवां सतोषाम तवया सुवीरा दराघीय आयुः परतरं दधानाः ||

nyū ṣu vācaṃ pra mahe bharāmahe ghira indrāya sadane vivasvataḥ | nū cid dhi ratnaṃ sasatāmivāvidan na duṣṭutirdraviṇodeṣu śasyate || duro aśvasya dura indra ghorasi duro yavasya vasuna inas patiḥ | śikṣānaraḥ pradivo akāmakarśanaḥ sakhā sakhibhyastamidaṃ ghṛṇīmasi || śacīva indra purukṛd dyumattama tavedidamabhitaścekite vasu | ataḥ saṃghṛbhyābhibhūta ā bhara mā tvāyato jarituḥ kāmamūnayīḥ || ebhirdyubhiḥ sumanā ebhirindubhirnirundhāno amatiṃ ghobhiraśvinā | indreṇa dasyuṃ darayanta indubhiryutadveṣasaḥsamiṣā rabhemahi || samindra rāyā samiṣā rabhemahi saṃ vājebhiḥ puruścandrairabhidyubhiḥ | saṃ devyā pramatyā vīraśuṣmayā ghoaghrayāśvāvatyā rabhemahi || te tvā madā amadan tāni vṛṣṇyā te somāso vṛtrahatyeṣu satpate | yat kārave daśa vṛtrāṇyaprati barhiṣmate ni sahasrāṇi barhayaḥ || yudhā yudhamupa ghedeṣi dhṛṣṇuyā purā puraṃ samidaṃ haṃsyojasā | namyā yadindra sakhyā parāvati nibarhayo namuciṃ nāma māyinam || tvaṃ karañjamuta parṇayaṃ vadhīstejiṣṭhayātithighvasyavartanī | tvaṃ śatā vaṅghṛdasyābhinat puro.anānudaḥ pariṣūtā ṛjiśvanā || tvametāñ janarājño dvirdaśābandhunā suśravasopajaghmuṣaḥ | ṣaṣṭiṃ sahasrā navatiṃ nava śruto ni cakreṇa rathyā duṣpadāvṛṇak || tvamāvitha suśravasaṃ tavotibhistava trāmabhirindra tūrvayāṇam | tvamasmai kutsamatithighvamāyuṃ mahe rājñe yūne arandhanāyaḥ || ya udṛcīndra devaghopāḥ sakhāyaste śivatamā asāma | tvāṃ stoṣāma tvayā suvīrā drāghīya āyuḥ prataraṃ dadhānāḥ ||


Rig Veda 1 WE will present fair praise unto the Mighty One, our hymns to Indra in Vivasvān’s dwelling-place; For he hath ne’er found wealth in those who seem to sleep: those who give wealth to men accept no paltry praise. 2 Giver of horses, Indra, giver, thou, of kine, giver of barley, thou art Lord and guard of wealth: Man’s helper from of old, not disappointing hope, Friend of our friends, to thee as such we sing this praise. 3 Indra, most splendid, powerful, rich in mighty deeds, this treasure spread around is known to be thine own. Gather therefrom, O Conqueror, and bring to us: fail not the hope of him who loves and sings to thee. 4 Well pleased with these bright flames and with these Soma drops, take thou away our poverty with seeds and kine. With Indra scattering the Dasyu through these drops, freed from their hate may we obtain abundant food. 5 Let us obtain, O Indra, plenteous wealth and food, with strength exceeding glorious, shining to the sky: May we obtain the Goddess Providence, the strength of heroes, special source of cattle, rich in steeds. 6 These our libations strength-inspiring, Soma draughts, gladdened thee in the fight with Vṛtra, Hero Lord, What time thou slewest for the singer with trimmed grass ten thousand Vṛtras, thou resistless in thy might. 7 Thou goest on from fight to fight intrepidly, destroying castle after castle here with strength. Thou, Indra, with thy friend who makes the foe bow down, slewest from far away the guileful Namuci. 8 Thou hast struck down in death Karañja, Parṇaya, in Atithigva’s very glorious going forth. Unyielding, when Ṛjiśvan compassed them with siege, thou hast destroyed the hundred forts of Vaṅgṛida. 9 With all-outstripping chariot-wheel, O Indra, thou far-famed, hast overthrown the twice ten Kings of men, With sixty thousand nine-and-ninety followers, who came in arms to fight with friendless Suśravas. 10 Thou hast protected Suśravas with succour, and Tūrvayāṇa with thine aid, O Indra. Thou madest Kutsa, Atithigva, Āyu, subject unto this King, the young, the mighty. 11 May we protected by the Gods hereafter remain thy very prosperous friends, O Indra. Thee we extol, enjoying through thy favour life long and joyful and with store of heroes.