Rig Veda Book 1 Hymn 14 ऐभिरग्ने दुवो गिरो विश्वेभिः सोमपीतये | देवेभिर्याहि यक्षि च || आ तवा कण्वा अहूषत गर्णन्ति विप्र ते धियः | देवेभिरग्न आ गहि || इन्द्रवायू बर्हस्पतिं मित्राग्निं पूषणं भगम | आदित्यान्मारुतं गणम || पर वो भरियन्त इन्दवो मत्सरा मादयिष्णवः | दरप्सा मध्वश्चमूषदः || ईळते तवामवस्यवः कण्वासो वर्क्तबर्हिषः | हविष्मन्तोरंक्र्तः || घर्तप्र्ष्ठा मनोयुजो ये तवा वहन्ति वह्नयः | आ देवान सोमपीतये || तान यजत्रान रताव्र्धो.अग्ने पत्नीवतस कर्धि | मध्वः सुजिह्व पायय || ये यजत्रा य ईड्यास्ते ते पिबन्तु जिह्वया | मधोरग्ने वषट्क्र्ति || आकीं सूर्यस्य रोचनाद विश्वान देवानुषर्बुधः | विप्रो होतेह वक्षति || विश्वेभिः सोम्यं मध्वग्न इन्द्रेण वायुना | पिबा मित्रस्य धामभिः || तवं होता मनुर्हितो.अग्ने यज्ञेषु सीदसि | सेमं नो अध्वरं यज || युक्ष्वा हयरुषी रथे हरितो देव रोहितः | ताभिर्देवानिहा वह ||
aibhiraghne duvo ghiro viśvebhiḥ somapītaye | devebhiryāhi yakṣi ca || ā tvā kaṇvā ahūṣata ghṛṇanti vipra te dhiyaḥ | devebhiraghna ā ghahi || indravāyū bṛhaspatiṃ mitrāghniṃ pūṣaṇaṃ bhagham | ādityānmārutaṃ ghaṇam || pra vo bhriyanta indavo matsarā mādayiṣṇavaḥ | drapsā madhvaścamūṣadaḥ || īḷate tvāmavasyavaḥ kaṇvāso vṛktabarhiṣaḥ | haviṣmantoaraṃkṛtaḥ || ghṛtapṛṣṭhā manoyujo ye tvā vahanti vahnayaḥ | ā devān somapītaye || tān yajatrān ṛtāvṛdho.aghne patnīvatas kṛdhi | madhvaḥ sujihva pāyaya || ye yajatrā ya īḍyāste te pibantu jihvayā | madhoraghne vaṣaṭkṛti || ākīṃ sūryasya rocanād viśvān devānuṣarbudhaḥ | vipro hoteha vakṣati || viśvebhiḥ somyaṃ madhvaghna indreṇa vāyunā | pibā mitrasya dhāmabhiḥ || tvaṃ hotā manurhito.aghne yajñeṣu sīdasi | semaṃ no adhvaraṃ yaja || yukṣvā hyaruṣī rathe harito deva rohitaḥ | tābhirdevānihā vaha ||
Rig Veda 1 To drink the Soma, Agni, come, to our service and our songs. With all these Gods; and worship them. 2 The Kaṇvas have invoked thee; they, O Singer, sing thee songs of praise Agni, come hither with the Gods; 3 Indra, Vāyu, Bṛhaspati, Mitra, Agni, Pūṣan, Bhaga, Ādityas, and the Marut host. 4 For you these juices are poured forth that gladden and exhilarate, The meath-drops resting in the cup. 5 The sons of Kaṇva fain for help adore thee, having strewn the grass, With offerings and all things prepared. 6 Let the swift steeds who carry thee, thought-yoked and dropping holy oil, Bring the Gods to the Soma draught. 7 Adored, the strengtheners of Law, unite them, Agni, with their Dames: Make them drink meath, O bright of tongue. 8 Let them, O Agni, who deserve worship and praise drink with thy tongue The meath in solemn sacrifice. 9 Away, from the Sun’s realm of light, the wise invoking Priest shall bring All Gods awaking with the dawn. 10 With all the Gods, with Indra, with Vāyu, and Mitra’s splendours, drink, Agni, the pleasant Soma juice. 11 Ordained by Manu as our Priest, thou sittest, Agni, at each rite: Hallow thou this our sacrifice. 12 Harness the Red Mares to thy car, the Bays, O God, the flaming ones: With those bring hitherward the Gods.