
Rig Veda Book 1 Hymn 13 सुसमिद्धो न आ वह देवानग्ने हविष्मते | होतः पावक यक्षि च || मधुमन्तं तनूनपाद यज्ञं देवेषु नः कवे | अद्या कर्णुहि वीतये || नराशंसमिह परियमस्मिन यज्ञ उप हवये | मधुजिह्वंहविष्क्र्तम || अग्ने सुखतमे रथे देवानीळित आ वह | असि होता मनुर्हितः || सत्र्णीत बर्हिरानुषग घर्तप्र्ष्ठं मनीषिणः | यत्राम्र्तस्य चक्षणम || वि शरयन्तां रताव्र्धो दवारो देवीरसश्चतः | अद्या नूनं च यष्टवे || नक्तोषासा सुपेशसास्मिन यज्ञ उप हवये | इदं नो बर्हिरासदे || ता सुजिह्वा उप हवये होतारा दैव्या कवी | यज्ञं नो यक्षतामिमम || इळा सरस्वती मही तिस्रो देवीर्मयोभुवः | बर्हिः सीदन्त्वस्रिधः || इह तवष्टारमग्रियं विश्वरूपमुप हवये | अस्माकमस्तुकेवलः || अव सर्जा वनस्पते देव देवेभ्यो हविः | पर दातुरस्तु चेतनम || सवाहा यज्ञं कर्णोतनेन्द्राय यज्वनो गर्हे | तत्र देवानुप हवये ||

susamiddho na ā vaha devānaghne haviṣmate | hotaḥ pāvaka yakṣi ca || madhumantaṃ tanūnapād yajñaṃ deveṣu naḥ kave | adyā kṛṇuhi vītaye || narāśaṃsamiha priyamasmin yajña upa hvaye | madhujihvaṃhaviṣkṛtam || aghne sukhatame rathe devānīḷita ā vaha | asi hotā manurhitaḥ || stṛṇīta barhirānuṣagh ghṛtapṛṣṭhaṃ manīṣiṇaḥ | yatrāmṛtasya cakṣaṇam || vi śrayantāṃ ṛtāvṛdho dvāro devīrasaścataḥ | adyā nūnaṃ ca yaṣṭave || naktoṣāsā supeśasāsmin yajña upa hvaye | idaṃ no barhirāsade || tā sujihvā upa hvaye hotārā daivyā kavī | yajñaṃ no yakṣatāmimam || iḷā sarasvatī mahī tisro devīrmayobhuvaḥ | barhiḥ sīdantvasridhaḥ || iha tvaṣṭāramaghriyaṃ viśvarūpamupa hvaye | asmākamastukevalaḥ || ava sṛjā vanaspate deva devebhyo haviḥ | pra dāturastu cetanam || svāhā yajñaṃ kṛṇotanendrāya yajvano ghṛhe | tatra devānupa hvaye ||


Rig Veda 1 AGNI, well-kindled, bring the Gods for him who offers holy gifts. Worship them, Purifier, Priest. 2 Son of Thyself, present, O Sage, our sacrifice to the Gods today. Sweet to the taste, that they may feast. 3 Dear Narāśaṁsa, sweet of tongue, the giver of oblations, I Invoke to this our sacrifice. 4 Agni, on thy most easy car, glorified, hither bring the Gods: Manu appointed thee as Priest. 5 Strew, O ye wise, the sacred grass that drips with oil, in order due, Where the Immortal is beheld. 6 Thrown open be the Doors Divine, unfailing, that assist the rite, For sacrifice this day and now. 7 I call the lovely Night and Dawn to seat them on the holy grass At this our solemn sacrifice. 8 The two Invokers I invite, the wise, divine and sweet of tongue, To celebrate this our sacrifice. 9 Iḷā, Sarasvatī, Mahī, three Goddesses who bring delight, Be seated, peaceful, on the grass. 10 Tvaṣṭar I call, the earliest born, the wearer of all forms at will: May he be ours and ours alone. 11 God, Sovran of the Wood, present this our oblation to the Gods, And let the giver be renowned. 12 With Svāhā pay the sacrifice to Indra in the offerer’s house: Thither I call the Deities.