
Rig Veda Book 1 Hymn 7 इन्द्रमिद गाथिनो बर्हदिन्द्रमर्केभिरर्किणः | इन्द्रं वाणीरनूषत || इन्द्र इद धर्योः सचा सम्मिश्ल आ वचोयुजा | इन्द्रो वज्रीहिरण्ययः || इन्द्रो दीर्घाय चक्षस आ सूर्यं रोहयद दिवि | वि गोभिरद्रिमैरयत || इन्द्र वाजेषु नो.अव सहस्रप्रधनेषु च | उग्र उग्राभिरूतिभिः || इन्द्रं वयं महाधन इन्द्रमर्भे हवामहे | युजं वर्त्रेषु वज्रिणम || स नो वर्षन्नमुं चरुं सत्रादावन्नपा वर्धि | अस्मभ्यमप्रतिष्कुतः || तुञ्जे-तुञ्जे य उत्तरे सतोमा इन्द्रस्य वज्रिणः | न विन्धेस्य सुष्टुतिम || वर्षा यूथेव वंसगः कर्ष्टीरियर्त्योजसा | ईशानो अप्रतिष्कुतः || य एकश्चर्षणीनां वसूनामिरज्यति | इन्द्रः पञ्च कसितीनाम || इन्द्रं वो विश्वतस परि हवामहे जनेभ्यः | अस्माकमस्तु केवलः ||

indramid ghāthino bṛhadindramarkebhirarkiṇaḥ | indraṃ vāṇīranūṣata || indra id dharyoḥ sacā sammiśla ā vacoyujā | indro vajrīhiraṇyayaḥ || indro dīrghāya cakṣasa ā sūryaṃ rohayad divi | vi ghobhiradrimairayat || indra vājeṣu no.ava sahasrapradhaneṣu ca | ughra ughrābhirūtibhiḥ || indraṃ vayaṃ mahādhana indramarbhe havāmahe | yujaṃ vṛtreṣu vajriṇam || sa no vṛṣannamuṃ caruṃ satrādāvannapā vṛdhi | asmabhyamapratiṣkutaḥ || tuñje-tuñje ya uttare stomā indrasya vajriṇaḥ | na vindheasya suṣṭutim || vṛṣā yūtheva vaṃsaghaḥ kṛṣṭīriyartyojasā | īśāno apratiṣkutaḥ || ya ekaścarṣaṇīnāṃ vasūnāmirajyati | indraḥ pañca ksitīnām || indraṃ vo viśvatas pari havāmahe janebhyaḥ | asmākamastu kevalaḥ ||


Rig Veda 1 INDRA the singers with high praise, Indra reciters with their lauds, Indra the choirs have glorified. 2 Indra hath ever close to him his two bay steeds and word-yoked car, Indra the golden, thunder-armed. 3 Indra hath raised the Sun on high in heaven, that he may see afar: He burst the mountain for the kine. 4 Help us, O Indra, in the frays, yea, frays, where thousand spoils are gained, With awful aids, O awful One. 5 In mighty battle we invoke Indra, Indra in lesser fight, The Friend who bends his bolt at fiends. 6 Unclose, our manly Hero, thou for ever bounteous, yonder cloud, For us, thou irresistible. 7 Still higher, at each strain of mine, thunder-armed Indra’s praises rise: I find no laud worthy of him. 8 Even as the bull drives on the herds, he drives the people with his might, The Ruler irresistible: 9 Indra who rules with single sway men, riches, and the fivefold race Of those who dwell upon the earth. 10 For your sake from each side we call Indra away from other men: Ours, and none others’, may he be.