Mandukya Karika, verse 3.11


रसादयो हि ये कोशा व्याख्यातास्तैत्तिरीयके ।
तेषामात्मा परो जीवः खं यथा संप्रकाशितः ॥ ११ ॥

rasādayo hi ye kośā vyākhyātāstaittirīyake |
teṣāmātmā paro jīvaḥ khaṃ yathā saṃprakāśitaḥ || 11 ||

11. The Supreme Jīva (i.e., the non-dual Brahman) is the self of the (five) sheaths, such as the physical, etc., which have been explained in the Taittirīyaka Upaniṣad. That the Supreme Jīva is like the Ākāśa has already been described by us (in the third verse of this chapter).

Shankara Bhashya (commentary)