Mandukya Karika, verse 1.20
तैजसस्योत्वविज्ञान उत्कर्षो दृश्यते स्फुटम् ।
मात्रासंप्रतिपत्तौ स्यादुभयत्वं तथाविधम् ॥ २० ॥
taijasasyotvavijñāna utkarṣo dṛśyate sphuṭam |
mātrāsaṃpratipattau syādubhayatvaṃ tathāvidham || 20 ||
20. The clear ground of realising Taijasa as of the same nature as U is the common feature of “Superiority Similarly another plain reason of such identity is being in “the middle”.
Shankara Bhashya (commentary)
When Taijasa is intended to be described as ‘U’, the reason of their being ‘Superior’ (in respective cases) is seen to be quite clear. Their being in ‘the middle’ is also another plain ground. All these explanations are as before.