Katha Upanishad - Verse 2.1.1
Text: पराञ्चि खानि व्यतृणत्स्वयम्भूस्तस्मात्पराङ्पश्यति नान्तरात्मन् । कश्चिद्धीरः प्रत्यगात्मानमैक्षदावृत्तचक्शुरमृतत्वमिच्छन् ॥ १ ॥ parāñci khāni vyatṛṇatsvayambhūstasmātparāṅpaśyati nāntarātman | kaściddhīraḥ pratyagātmānamaikṣadāvṛttacakśuramṛtatvamicchan || 1 || 1. The self-existent created the senses out-going: therefore, one sees outside and not the atman within. Some intelligent man, with his senses turned away, (from their object), desirous of immortality, sees the atman within. Shankara’s Commentary: It was stated that this atman concealed in all living beings does not shine but is seen by the subtle intellect....