Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 9 - Chapter 1 - Verse 4
कोऽपि धारयिता वेगं पतन्त्या मे महीतले ।अन्यथा भूतलं भित्त्वा नृप यास्ये रसातलम् ॥ ४ ॥
ko ’pi dhārayitā vegaṁpatantyā me mahī-taleanyathā bhū-talaṁ bhittvānṛpa yāsye rasātalam
Mother Ganges replied: When I fall from the sky to the surface of the planet earth, the water will certainly be very forceful. Who will sustain that force? If I am not sustained, I shall pierce the surface of the earth and go down to Rasātala, the Pātāla area of the universe.