Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 9 - Chapter 1 - Verse 5-6
तस्य सत्यव्रत: पुत्रस्त्रिशङ्कुरिति विश्रुत: ।प्राप्तश्चाण्डालतां शापाद् गुरो: कौशिकतेजसा ॥ ५ ॥सशरीरो गत: स्वर्गमद्यापि दिवि दृश्यते ।पातितोऽवाक् शिरा देवैस्तेनैव स्तम्भितो बलात् ॥ ६ ॥
tasya satyavrataḥ putrastriśaṅkur iti viśrutaḥprāptaś cāṇḍālatāṁ śāpādguroḥ kauśika-tejasā
The son of Tribandhana was Satyavrata, who is celebrated by the name Triśaṅku. Because he kidnapped the daughter of a brāhmaṇa when she was being married, his father cursed him to become a caṇḍāla, lower than a śūdra. Thereafter, by the influence of Viśvāmitra, he went to the higher planetary system, the heavenly planets, in his material body, but because of the prowess of the demigods he fell back downward. Nonetheless, by the power of Viśvāmitra, he did not fall all the way down; even today he can still be seen hanging in the sky, head downward.