Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 9 - Chapter 1 - Verse 25-26
मन: पृथिव्यां तामद्भिस्तेजसापोऽनिलेन तत् ।खे वायुं धारयंस्तच्च भूतादौ तं महात्मनि ।तस्मिञ्ज्ञानकलां ध्यात्वा तयाज्ञानं विनिर्दहन् ॥ २५ ॥हित्वा तां स्वेन भावेन निर्वाणसुखसंविदा ।अनिर्देश्याप्रतर्क्येण तस्थौ विध्वस्तबन्धन: ॥ २६ ॥
manaḥ pṛthivyāṁ tām adbhistejasāpo ’nilena tatkhe vāyuṁ dhārayaṁs tac cabhūtādau taṁ mahātmani
Mahārāja Hariścandra first purified his mind, which was full of material enjoyment, by amalgamating it with the earth. Then he amalgamated the earth with water, the water with fire, the fire with the air, and the air with the sky. Thereafter, he amalgamated the sky with the total material energy, and the total material energy with spiritual knowledge. This spiritual knowledge is realization of one’s self as part of the Supreme Lord. When the self-realized spiritual soul is engaged in service to the Lord, he is eternally imperceptible and inconceivable. Thus established in spiritual knowledge, he is completely freed from material bondage.