Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 9 - Chapter 1 - Verse 40
गजाह्वये हृते नद्या कौशाम्ब्यां साधु वत्स्यति ।उक्तस्ततश्चित्ररथस्तस्माच्छुचिरथ: सुत: ॥ ४० ॥
gajāhvaye hṛte nadyākauśāmbyāṁ sādhu vatsyatiuktas tataś citrarathastasmāc chucirathaḥ sutaḥ
When the town of Hastināpura [New Delhi] is inundated by the river, Nemicakra will live in the place known as Kauśāmbī. His son will be celebrated as Citraratha, and the son of Citraratha will be Śuciratha.