Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 9 - Chapter 1 - Verse 36
तद् दृष्ट्वा कृपयागृह्णाच्छान्तनुर्मृगयां चरन् ।कृप: कुमार: कन्या च द्रोणपत्न्यभवत्कृपी ॥ ३६ ॥
tad dṛṣṭvā kṛpayāgṛhṇācchāntanur mṛgayāṁ carankṛpaḥ kumāraḥ kanyā cadroṇa-patny abhavat kṛpī
While Mahārāja Śāntanu was on a hunting excursion, he saw the male and female children lying in the forest, and out of compassion he took them home. Consequently, the male child was known as Kṛpa, and the female child was named Kṛpī. Kṛpī later became the wife of Droṇācārya.