Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 9 - Chapter 1 - Verse 4
सोऽयजद् राजसूयेन विजित्य भुवनत्रयम् ।पत्नीं बृहस्पतेर्दर्पात् तारां नामाहरद् बलात् ॥ ४ ॥
so ’yajad rājasūyenavijitya bhuvana-trayampatnīṁ bṛhaspater darpāttārāṁ nāmāharad balāt
After conquering the three worlds [the upper, middle and lower planetary systems], Soma, the moon-god, performed a great sacrifice known as the Rājasūya-yajña. Because he was very much puffed up, he forcibly kidnapped Bṛhaspati’s wife, whose name was Tārā.