Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 8 - Chapter 1 - Verse 46
प्रस्कन्नं पिबत: पाणेर्यत् किञ्चिज्जगृहु: स्म तत् ।वृश्चिकाहिविषौषध्यो दन्दशूकाश्च येऽपरे ॥ ४६ ॥
praskannaṁ pibataḥ pāṇeryat kiñcij jagṛhuḥ sma tatvṛścikāhi-viṣauṣadhyodandaśūkāś ca ye ’pare
Scorpions, cobras, poisonous drugs and other animals whose bites are poisonous took the opportunity to drink whatever little poison had fallen and scattered from Lord Śiva’s hand while he was drinking.
Mosquitoes, jackals, dogs and other varieties of dandaśūka, or animals whose bites are poisonous, drank the poison of the samudra-manthana, the churned ocean, since it was available after it fell from the palms of Lord Śiva.