Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 8 - Chapter 1 - Verse 37
गिरिपातविनिष्पिष्टान्विलोक्यामरदानवान् ।ईक्षया जीवयामास निर्जरान् निर्व्रणान् यथा ॥ ३७ ॥
giri-pāta-viniṣpiṣṭānvilokyāmara-dānavānīkṣayā jīvayām āsanirjarān nirvraṇān yathā
Observing that most of the demons and the demigods had been crushed by the falling of the mountain, the Lord glanced over them and brought them back to life. Thus they became free from grief, and they even had no bruises on their bodies.