Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 8 - Chapter 1 - Verse 24
सन्ध्यां विभोर्वाससि गुह्य ऐक्षत्प्रजापतीञ्जघने आत्ममुख्यान् ।नाभ्यां नभ: कुक्षिषु सप्तसिन्धू-नुरुक्रमस्योरसि चर्क्षमालाम् ॥ २४ ॥
sandhyāṁ vibhor vāsasi guhya aikṣatprajāpatīñ jaghane ātma-mukhyānnābhyāṁ nabhaḥ kukṣiṣu sapta-sindhūnurukramasyorasi carkṣa-mālām
Bali Mahārāja saw beneath the garments of the Lord, who acts wonderfully, the evening twilight. In the Lord’s private parts he saw the Prajāpatis, and in the round portion of the waist he saw himself with his confidential associates. In the Lord’s navel he saw the sky, on the Lord’s waist he saw the seven oceans, and on the Lord’s bosom he saw all the clusters of stars.