Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 7 - Chapter 1 - Verse 8
स ईश्वर: काल उरुक्रमोऽसा-वोज: सह: सत्त्वबलेन्द्रियात्मा ।स एव विश्वं परम: स्वशक्तिभि:सृजत्यवत्यत्ति गुणत्रयेश: ॥ ८ ॥
sa īśvaraḥ kāla urukramo ’sāvojaḥ sahaḥ sattva-balendriyātmāsa eva viśvaṁ paramaḥ sva-śaktibhiḥsṛjaty avaty atti guṇa-trayeśaḥ
The Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is the supreme controller and time factor, is the power of the senses, the power of the mind, the power of the body, and the vital force of the senses. His influence is unlimited. He is the best of all living entities, the controller of the three modes of material nature. By His own power, He creates this cosmic manifestation, maintains it and annihilates it also.
Since the material world is being moved by the three material modes and since the Lord is their master, the Lord can create, maintain and destroy the material world.