Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 7 - Chapter 1 - Verse 29-30
मनो मनोरथैश्चन्द्रे बुद्धिं बोध्यै: कवौ परे ।कर्माण्यध्यात्मना रुद्रे यदहं ममताक्रिया ।सत्त्वेन चित्तं क्षेत्रज्ञे गुणैर्वैकारिकं परे ॥ २९ ॥अप्सु क्षितिमपो ज्योतिष्यदो वायौ नभस्यमुम् ।कूटस्थे तच्च महति तदव्यक्तेऽक्षरे च तत् ॥ ३० ॥
mano manorathaiś candrebuddhiṁ bodhyaiḥ kavau parekarmāṇy adhyātmanā rudreyad-aham mamatā-kriyā
The mind, along with all material desires, should be merged in the moon demigod. All the subject matters of intelligence, along with the intelligence itself, should be placed in Lord Brahmā. False ego, which is under the influence of the material modes of nature and which induces one to think, “I am this body, and everything connected with this body is mine,” should be merged, along with material activities, in Rudra, the predominating deity of false ego. Material consciousness, along with the goal of thought, should be merged in the individual living being, and the demigods acting under the modes of material nature should be merged, along with the perverted living being, into the Supreme Being. The earth should be merged in water, water in the brightness of the sun, this brightness into the air, the air into the sky, the sky into the false ego, the false ego into the total material energy, the total material energy into the unmanifested ingredients [the pradhāna feature of the material energy], and at last the ingredient feature of material manifestation into the Supersoul.