Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 6 - Chapter 1 - Verse 49


नोच्छिष्टं चण्डिकान्नं च सामिषं वृषलाहृतम् ।भुञ्जीतोदक्यया द‍ृष्टं पिबेन्नाञ्जलिना त्वप: ॥ ४९ ॥


nocchiṣṭaṁ caṇḍikānnaṁ casāmiṣaṁ vṛṣalāhṛtambhuñjītodakyayā dṛṣṭaṁpiben nāñjalinā tv apaḥ


Never eat leftover food, never eat prasāda offered to the goddess Kālī [Durgā], and do not eat anything contaminated by flesh or fish. Do not eat anything brought or touched by a śūdra nor anything seen by a woman in her menstrual period. Do not drink water by joining your palms.


Generally the goddess Kālī is offered food containing meat and fish, and therefore Kaśyapa Muni strictly forbade his wife to take the remnants of such food. Actually a Vaiṣṇava is not allowed to take any food offered to the demigods. A Vaiṣṇava is always fixed in accepting prasāda offered to Lord Viṣṇu. Through all these instructions, Kaśyapa Muni, in a negative way, instructed his wife Diti how to become a Vaiṣṇavī.