Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 6 - Chapter 1 - Verse 3-4
धातु: कुहू: सिनीवाली राका चानुमतिस्तथा ।सायं दर्शमथ प्रात: पूर्णमासमनुक्रमात् ॥ ३ ॥अग्नीन् पुरीष्यानाधत्त क्रियायां समनन्तर: ।चर्षणी वरुणस्यासीद्यस्यां जातो भृगु: पुन: ॥ ४ ॥
dhātuḥ kuhūḥ sinīvālīrākā cānumatis tathāsāyaṁ darśam atha prātaḥpūrṇamāsam anukramāt
Dhātā, the seventh son of Aditi, had four wives, named Kuhū, Sinīvālī, Rākā and Anumati. These wives begot four sons, named Sāyam, Darśa, Prātaḥ and Pūrṇamāsa respectively. The wife of Vidhātā, the eighth son of Aditi, was named Kriyā. In her Vidhātā begot the five fire-gods named the Purīṣyas. The wife of Varuṇa, the ninth son of Aditi, was named Carṣaṇī. Bhṛgu, the son of Brahmā, took birth again in her womb.