Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 6 - Chapter 1 - Verse 58
नाहं तनूज ददृशे हतमङ्गला तेमुग्धस्मितं मुदितवीक्षणमाननाब्जम् ।किं वा गतोऽस्यपुनरन्वयमन्यलोकंनीतोऽघृणेन न शृणोमि कला गिरस्ते ॥ ५८ ॥
nāhaṁ tanūja dadṛśe hata-maṅgalā temugdha-smitaṁ mudita-vīkṣaṇam ānanābjamkiṁ vā gato ’sy apunar-anvayam anya-lokaṁnīto ’ghṛṇena na śṛṇomi kalā giras te
My dear son, I am certainly most unfortunate, for I can no longer see your mild smiling. You have closed your eyes forever. I therefore conclude that you have been taken from this planet to another, from which you will not return. My dear son, I can no longer hear your pleasing voice.