Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 5 - Chapter 1 - Verse 4


यस्याङ्‌घ्रिकमलयुगलारुणविशदनखमणिषण्डमण्डलेष्वहिपतय: सह सात्वतर्षभैरेकान्तभक्तियोगेनावनमन्त: स्ववदनानि परिस्फुरत्कुण्डलप्रभामण्डितगण्डस्थलान्यतिमनोहराणि प्रमुदितमनस: खलु विलोकयन्ति ॥ ४ ॥


yasyāṅghri-kamala-yugalāruṇa-viśada-nakha-maṇi-ṣaṇḍa-maṇḍaleṣv ahi-patayaḥ saha sātvatarṣabhair ekānta-bhakti-yogenāvanamantaḥ sva-vadanāni parisphurat-kuṇḍala-prabhā-maṇḍita-gaṇḍa-sthalāny ati-manoharāṇi pramudita-manasaḥ khalu vilokayanti.


The pink, transparent toenails on the Lord’s lotus feet are exactly like valuable gems polished to a mirror finish. When the unalloyed devotees and the leaders of the snakes offer their obeisances to Lord Saṅkarṣaṇa with great devotion, they become very joyful upon seeing their own beautiful faces reflected in His toenails. Their cheeks are decorated with glittering earrings, and the beauty of their faces is extremely pleasing to see.
