Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 5 - Chapter 21 - Verse 1
Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 5 - Chapter 1 - Verse 1 Sanskrit: श्रीशुक उवाचएतावानेव भूवलयस्य सन्निवेश: प्रमाणलक्षणतो व्याख्यात: ॥ १ ॥ ITRANS: śrī-śuka uvācaetāvān eva bhū-valayasya sanniveśaḥ pramāṇa-lakṣaṇato vyākhyātaḥ. Translation: Śukadeva Gosvāmī said: My dear King, I have thus far described the diameter of the universe [fifty crores of yojanas, or four billion miles] and its general characteristics, according to the estimations of learned scholars. Purport: