Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 5 - Chapter 1 - Verse 18
सा च ततस्तस्य वीरयूथपतेर्बुद्धिशीलरूपवय:श्रियौदार्येण पराक्षिप्तमनास्तेन सहायुतायुतपरिवत्सरोपलक्षणं कालं जम्बूद्वीपपतिना भौमस्वर्गभोगान् बुभुजे ॥ १८ ॥
sā ca tatas tasya vīra-yūtha-pater buddhi-śīla-rūpa-vayaḥ-śriyaudāryeṇa parākṣipta-manās tena sahāyutāyuta-parivatsaropalakṣaṇaṁ kālaṁ jambūdvīpa-patinā bhauma-svarga-bhogān bubhuje.
Attracted by the intelligence, learning, youth, beauty, behavior, opulence and magnanimity of Āgnīdhra, the King of Jambūdvīpa and master of all heroes, Pūrvacitti lived with him for many thousands of years and luxuriously enjoyed both worldly and heavenly happiness.
By the grace of Lord Brahmā, King Āgnīdhra and the heavenly girl Pūrvacitti, found their union quite suitable. Thus they enjoyed worldly and heavenly happiness for many thousands of years.