Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 5 - Chapter 1 - Verse 14-15
गयाद्गयन्त्यां चित्ररथ: सुगतिरवरोधन इति त्रय: पुत्रा बभूवुश्चित्ररथादूर्णायां सम्राडजनिष्ट तत उत्कलायां मरीचिर्मरीचे ॥ १४ ॥र्बिन्दुमत्यां बिन्दुमानुदपद्यत तस्मात्सरघायां मधुर्नामाभवन्मधो: सुमनसि वीरव्रतस्ततो भोजायां मन्थुप्रमन्थू जज्ञाते मन्थो: सत्यायां भौवनस्ततो दूषणायां त्वष्टाजनिष्ट त्वष्टुर्विरोचनायां विरजो विरजस्य शतजित्प्रवरं पुत्रशतं कन्या च विषूच्यां किल जातम् ॥ १५ ॥
gayād gayantyāṁ citrarathaḥ sugatir avarodhana iti trayaḥ putrā babhūvuś citrarathād ūrṇāyāṁ samrāḍ ajaniṣṭa; tata utkalāyāṁ marīcir marīcer bindumatyāṁ bindum ānudapadyata tasmāt saraghāyāṁ madhur nāmābhavan madhoḥ sumanasi vīravratas tato bhojāyāṁ manthu-pramanthū jajñāte manthoḥ satyāyāṁ bhauvanas tato dūṣaṇāyāṁ tvaṣṭājaniṣṭa tvaṣṭur virocanāyāṁ virajo virajasya śatajit-pravaraṁ putra-śataṁ kanyā ca viṣūcyāṁ kila jātam.
In the womb of Gayantī, Mahārāja Gaya begot three sons, named Citraratha, Sugati and Avarodhana. In the womb of his wife Ūrṇā, Citraratha begot a son named Samrāṭ. The wife of Samrāṭ was Utkalā, and in her womb Samrāṭ begot a son named Marīci. In the womb of his wife Bindumatī, Marīci begot a son named Bindu. In the womb of his wife Saraghā, Bindu begot a son named Madhu. In the womb of his wife named Sumanā, Madhu begot a son named Vīravrata. In the womb of his wife Bhojā, Vīravrata begot two sons named Manthu and Pramanthu. In the womb of his wife Satyā, Manthu begot a son named Bhauvana, and in the womb of his wife Dūṣaṇā, Bhauvana begot a son named Tvaṣṭā. In the womb of his wife Virocanā, Tvaṣṭā begot a son named Viraja. The wife of Viraja was Viṣūcī, and in her womb Viraja begot one hundred sons and one daughter. Of all these sons, the son named Śatajit was predominant.