Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 5 - Chapter 13 - Verse 1
Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 5 - Chapter 1 - Verse 1 Sanskrit: ब्राह्मण उवाचदुरत्ययेऽध्वन्यजया निवेशितोरजस्तम:सत्त्वविभक्तकर्मदृक् ।स एष सार्थोऽर्थपर: परिभ्रमन्भवाटवीं याति न शर्म विन्दति ॥ १ ॥ ITRANS: brāhmaṇa uvācaduratyaye ’dhvany ajayā niveśitorajas-tamaḥ-sattva-vibhakta-karmadṛksa eṣa sārtho ’rtha-paraḥ paribhramanbhavāṭavīṁ yāti na śarma vindati Translation: Jaḍa Bharata, who had fully realized Brahman, continued: My dear King Rahūgaṇa, the living entity wanders on the path of the material world, which is very difficult for him to traverse, and he accepts repeated birth and death....