Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 5 - Chapter 1 - Verse 32
जम्बूप्लक्षशाल्मलिकुशक्रौञ्चशाकपुष्करसंज्ञास्तेषां परिमाणं पूर्वस्मात्पूर्वस्मादुत्तर उत्तरो यथासंख्यं द्विगुणमानेन बहि: समन्तत उपक्लृप्ता: ॥ ३२ ॥
jambū-plakṣa-śālmali-kuśa-krauñca-śāka-puṣkara-saṁjñās teṣāṁ parimāṇaṁ pūrvasmāt pūrvasmād uttara uttaro yathā-saṅkhyaṁ dvi-guṇa-mānena bahiḥ samantata upakḷptāḥ.
The names of the islands are Jambū, Plakṣa, Śālmali, Kuśa, Krauñca, Śāka and Puṣkara. Each island is twice as large as the one preceding it, and each is surrounded by a liquid substance, beyond which is the next island.
The ocean in each planetary system has a different type of liquid. How they are situated is explained in the next verse.