Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 4 - Chapter 1 - Verse 7
अथर्त्विजो यजमान: सदस्या:ककुभ्युदीच्यां प्रसमीक्ष्य रेणुम् ।तम: किमेतत्कुत एतद्रजोऽभू-दिति द्विजा द्विजपत्न्यश्च दध्यु: ॥ ७ ॥
athartvijo yajamānaḥ sadasyāḥkakubhy udīcyāṁ prasamīkṣya reṇumtamaḥ kim etat kuta etad rajo ’bhūditi dvijā dvija-patnyaś ca dadhyuḥ
At that time, all the persons assembled in the sacrificial arena — the priests, the chief of the sacrificial performance, and the brāhmaṇas and their wives — wondered where the darkness was coming from. Later they could understand that it was a dust storm, and all of them were full of anxiety.