Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 4 - Chapter 1 - Verse 50-51
यो जायमान: सर्वेषां तेजस्तेजस्विनां रुचा ।स्वयोपादत्त दाक्ष्याच्च कर्मणां दक्षमब्रुवन् ॥ ५० ॥तं प्रजासर्गरक्षायामनादिरभिषिच्य च ।युयोज युयुजेऽन्यांश्च स वै सर्वप्रजापतीन् ॥ ५१ ॥
yo jāyamānaḥ sarveṣāṁtejas tejasvināṁ rucāsvayopādatta dākṣyāc cakarmaṇāṁ dakṣam abruvan
After being born, Dakṣa, by the superexcellence of his bodily luster, covered all others’ bodily opulence. Because he was very expert in performing fruitive activity, he was called by the name Dakṣa, meaning “the very expert.” Lord Brahmā therefore engaged Dakṣa in the work of generating living entities and maintaining them. In due course of time, Dakṣa also engaged other Prajāpatis [progenitors] in the process of generation and maintenance.
Dakṣa became almost as powerful as Lord Brahmā. Consequently, Lord Brahmā engaged him in generating population. Dakṣa was very influential and opulent. In his own turn, Dakṣa engaged other Prajāpatis, headed by Marīci. In this way the population of the universe increased.