Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 4 - Chapter 1 - Verse 38


सोऽचिरादेव राजर्षे स्यादच्युतकथाश्रय: ।श‍ृण्वत: श्रद्दधानस्य नित्यदा स्यादधीयत: ॥ ३८ ॥


so ’cirād eva rājarṣesyād acyuta-kathāśrayaḥśṛṇvataḥ śraddadhānasyanityadā syād adhīyataḥ


O best of kings, one who is faithful, who is always hearing the glories of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is always engaged in the culture of Kṛṣṇa consciousness and in hearing of the Lord’s activities, very soon becomes eligible to see the Supreme Personality of Godhead face to face.


Constant engagement in the transcendental loving service of Vāsudeva means constantly hearing the glories of the Lord. The principles of bhakti-yoga — śravaṇaṁ kīrtanaṁ viṣṇoḥ smaraṇaṁ pāda-sevanam/ arcanaṁ vandanaṁ dāsyaṁ sakhyam ātma-nivedanam — are the only means by which perfection can be attained. Simply by hearing of the glories of the Lord, one is elevated to the transcendental position.